marathon trials

3 Stories

Runner's First Marathon Sends Her to Olympics

Molly Seidel pulled away with two other runners, and all three are bound for Tokyo

(Newser) - "What is happening?" Molly Seidel kept asking Saturday in Atlanta after running a marathon for the first time. It was hard to believe. With a time of 2 hours, 27 minutes, Seidel had just finished second in the Olympic trials, earning her a ticket to the Games this summer...

Runner Who Died Had Enlarged Heart
Runner Who Died Had Enlarged Heart

Runner Who Died Had Enlarged Heart

Family, friends await final autopsy results for 28-year-old marathoner

(Newser) - The long-distance champion runner who died during last weekend’s Olympic marathon trials in New York City was diagnosed as a teenager with an enlarged heart – a common condition among top athletes. Ryan Shay’s father said his son’s heart problem was checked several times and he was...

US Marathon Runner Dies in Olympic Trials

Ryan Shay collapsed 5 miles into the race

(Newser) - Four-time US long-distance champion Ryan Shay died today during Olympic marathon trials in New York City, the AP reports. Shay, 28, collapsed about 5 miles into the 26.2-mile race and could not be revived. The cause of death remains unclear. “It cuts a knife through everybody's hearts,”...

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