US Supreme Court

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SCOTUS Agrees to Hear Trump Immunity Case

Court will hear arguments in late April

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Wednesday agreed to decide whether Donald Trump can be prosecuted on charges he interfered with the 2020 election and set a course for a quick resolution. The justices' order maintains a hold on preparations for a trial focused on Trump's efforts to overturn his election...

Justices Bring Orwell Into Social Media Case

Florida, Texas cases could have major effect on online debates

(Newser) - Supreme Court justices sounded hesitant Monday to dismiss First Amendment concerns about state laws that would restrict social media companies' ability to moderate users' posts. The court spent four hours hearing oral arguments about laws passed in Florida and Texas that are blocked for now, the New York Times reports....

GOP Has Itself Another &#39;Hot Potato&#39; After IVF Ruling
GOP Has Itself Another
'Hot Potato' After IVF Ruling

GOP Has Itself Another 'Hot Potato' After IVF Ruling

Backlash against personhood ruling has begun; one hospital has already halted IVF treatments

(Newser) - On Monday, Alabama's Supreme Court ruled that embryos frozen via in vitro fertilization are to be considered children, in a case where IVF patients had sued after their embryos were accidentally destroyed at a fertility clinic. Critics are now warning of the "chilling effects" this ruling could have,...

SCOTUS Declines to Block School's Diversity Policy

Parents said 'race-neutral' process discriminated against Asian Americans

(Newser) - The Supreme Court, with its two most conservative justices dissenting, has decided to leave a controversial admissions policy at a Virginia magnet school in place. The court declined to review the policy at the prestigious Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, which moved to boost diversity in 2020...

John Oliver Offers to Pay Clarence Thomas $1M a Year

But only if the Supreme Court justice steps down; Oliver swears he has a legal contract

(Newser) - John Oliver's HBO show returned for a new season on Sunday, and the host closed with a doozy of an offer for Clarence Thomas: Oliver promised to pay him $1 million a year to resign from the Supreme Court, reports Deadline . Oliver pulled out a contract and promised the...

Smith Urges Justices to Reject Trump's Attempt to Delay Trial

Special counsel argues against Supreme Court taking up immunity claim

(Newser) - Special counsel Jack Smith on Wednesday asked the Supreme Court to reject Donald Trump's emergency appeal to delay his election interference trial—emphasizing the importance of a speedy trial by beating his deadline to respond to the former president by six days. Smith referenced the November election in his...

Trump Files Emergency Appeal of Immunity Ruling

He asks SCOTUS to extend delay to election interference trial

(Newser) - Donald Trump is asking the Supreme Court to extend the delay in his election interference trial, saying he is immune from prosecution on charges he plotted to overturn his 2020 election loss. The former president's lawyers filed an emergency appeal with the court on Monday, just four days after...

Trump Appeared to Have a Great Day at Supreme Court
Trump Appeared to Have
a Great Day at Supreme Court
the rundown

Trump Appeared to Have a Great Day at Supreme Court

Justices don't sound like they will kick him off the 2024 ballot

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Thursday heard arguments on a Donald Trump case with historic implications : Whether he should be disqualified from running for reelection because of his actions related to the 2021 attack on the Capitol. And the gist of coverage is that it seems highly unlikely the court will...

With Trump Case, SCOTUS Steps 'Into Freshly Fallen Snow'

It will consider whether the 14th Amendment prevents Trump from holding office

(Newser) - Of all the Donald Trump-related court moments of recent months, Thursday's will be among the most consequential, and certainly the most historic. As the New Republic puts it: The Supreme Court is "stepping out into freshly fallen snow." It will be the first time a case about...

SCOTUS Agrees to Hear Richard Glossip Case

Oklahoma inmate has narrowly avoided execution multiple times

(Newser) - Lawyers for death row inmate Richard Glossip have told Supreme Court justices they face "a stark choice: whether the state of Oklahoma can execute a person who its chief law enforcement officer believes is wrongly convicted because of state misconduct." The court said Monday that it has agreed...

Trump Appeals Colorado Ruling to Supreme Court, With Warning

Allowing states to keep former president off ballots risks 'chaos and bedlam,' brief says

(Newser) - In appealing to the US Supreme Court to reverse Colorado's decision keeping him off its presidential primary ballot, Donald Trump has warned the justices that "chaos and bedlam" could well follow if other states do the same. The wording was included in the brief filed Thursday by Trump'...

SCOTUS Readies 'Mortal Blow to the Administrative State'

Justices seem poised to overturn 1984 Chevron doctrine, which empowers federal agencies

(Newser) - The Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday in a seemingly mundane dispute in the fishing industry. The implications of the case, however, are enormous, and based on Wednesday's questions, the court's conservative majority appears poised to overturn or at least limit what's become known as the Chevron doctrine,...

Supreme Court Case About Fishing Fee Has Huge Ramifications

Charles Koch is backing it, likely in hopes of 'dismantling' federal regulation

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Wednesday is taking up challenges by commercial fishermen to a fee requirement that could achieve a long-sought goal of business and conservative interests: limiting a wide swath of government regulations. Billions of dollars are potentially at stake in front of a court that, like the rest...

SCOTUS Declines to Hear Case on Bathrooms for Trans Students

Court is staying out of school battle, for now

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Tuesday passed up a chance to intervene in the debate over bathrooms for transgender students, rejecting an appeal from an Indiana public school district. Federal appeals courts are divided over whether school policies enforcing restrictions on which bathrooms transgender students can use violate federal law or...

After Affirmative Action Ruling, DEI Opponents Shift Gears

Lawsuits invoke Civil Rights Act to fight workplace policies, funding for minority-owned businesses

(Newser) - Opponents of workplace diversity programs are increasingly banking on a section of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to challenge equity policies as well as funding to minority-owned businesses. Section 1981 of the act was originally meant to protect formerly enslaved people, or Black people specifically, from economic exclusion. But...

On Challenge to Trump, Oregon Will Wait for Supreme Court

Chief justice writes that ruling on Colorado case might decide the issue

(Newser) - Oregon will not follow the lead of Colorado and Maine and bar Donald Trump from its primary ballot for now. Without ruling on the merits of a challenge to the former president's candidacy, the state Supreme Court said Friday it will wait for the US Supreme Court to make...

Biden Slams SCOTUS Decision on Idaho Abortion Ban

High court says state can enforce ban, even in medical emergencies, until legal fight resolves

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Friday allowed Idaho to enforce its strict abortion ban, even in medical emergencies, while a legal fight continues. The justices said they would hear arguments in April and put on hold a lower court ruling that had blocked the Idaho law in hospital emergencies, based on...

Supreme Court to Consider Ruling to Keep Trump Off Ballot

Justices take Colorado case, conceding the issue needs to be decided soon

(Newser) - The Supreme Court said Friday it will decide whether Donald Trump can be kept off the ballot because of his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, inserting the court squarely in the 2024 presidential campaign. The justices acknowledged the need to reach a decision quickly, as voters will soon...

Tattoos Sank His Green Card, and SCOTUS May Step In

High court to review case of Salvadoran man who says he was wrongly pegged as gang member

(Newser) - For nearly a decade, a Salvadoran man has missed Christmas after Christmas in the United States with his wife—not because he doesn't want to spend it in California with her, but because he can't. Luis Asencio-Cordero has long been denied a visa from the American government, partly...

Trump Asks Supreme Court to Quickly Void Colorado Ruling

Filing argues former president wasn't part of an insurrection

(Newser) - Former President Trump took his appeal of Colorado's decision barring him from its presidential primary ballot to the US Supreme Court on Wednesday, seeking a ruling that will prevent other states from doing the same thing. Colorado's Supreme Court had found Trump was ineligible, based on the US...

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