Matt Drudge

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Drudge Loses Juice as Media Swing Left
Drudge Loses Juice as Media Swing Left

Drudge Loses Juice as Media Swing Left

Tough competition drives Fleet Street-style sensationalism, bias

(Newser) - The Ashley Todd hoax was as good a symbol as any of the decline of the Drudge Report, writes John Gapper in the Financial Times. Liberal blogs, cable TV, and, indeed, newspapers themselves have invaded and occupied Matt Drudge’s sensationalist niche. Tough competition and falling circulation are “pushing...

McCain to Air Rebuttal Ad, Could Leak VP Choice Tonight

GOP goal is to distract from Obama speech

(Newser) - John McCain has a top-secret ad scheduled to run during or just after Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in battleground states—and the campaign could leak news of the Republican’s running mate even earlier, Mike Allen writes on Politico. Little is known about the ad, save that McCain will...

Clinton Hit List Is Talk of the Beltway

Wounds not healing quickly

(Newser) - Wounds from Election 2008 aren’t quickly being papered over in Clintonland, the New York Times reports in a speculative piece about who is likely to be on the former first couple's enemies list. How deep will animosity toward Obama boosters Bill Richardson, Jim Clyburn, and Claire McCaskill run? Use...

In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field
In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field

In '08, Drudge Coming More Out of Left Field

Tone-setting blogger stuns GOP by taking a shine to Obama

(Newser) - The powerhouse news-aggregating Drudge Report is surprising its loyal fan base by straying from typically conservative output, Politico observes. Editor Matt Drudge had gained the affection of Republicans and ire of Democrats through previous election cycles, but this time the reclusive blogger has displayed a certain fondness for Barack Obama,...

Prince Harry Should Have Stayed
Prince Harry Should Have Stayed

Prince Harry Should Have Stayed

Christopher Hitchens asks what threat he posed others

(Newser) - When Matt Drudge revealed to the world Prince Harry was in Afghanistan, there he should have stayed, writes Christopher Hitchens for Slate. It's "piffle" to think that his royal highness was a "bullet magnet" in Helmand province, already one of the most dangerous places on Earth for any...

Brits Probe Soldier Who Tried to Sell Harry Pics

Comrade defied media ban, says Guardian

(Newser) - The British military is investigating a soldier who defied military orders and tried to sell "extraordinary" pictures of Prince Harry’s secret Afghanistan deployment to the media, the Guardian reports. In the pictures, Harry witnesses the beheading of a live goat during Christmas celebrations and films the event on...

We Were Hunting Harry: Taliban
We Were Hunting Harry: Taliban

We Were Hunting Harry: Taliban

Militants after 'important chicken'

(Newser) - Taliban militants knew Britain's Prince Harry was deployed with his infantry unit in Afghanistan and were plotting to kidnap or kill him, one of their leaders tells Newsweek. Deputy Taliban commander Mullah Abdul Karim claims he learned of the presence of "an important chicken" as long ago as December,...

McCain Story Spurred Turmoil at Times

Editor pushed for better evidence of affair, irking reporters amid buzz

(Newser) - Today’s New York Times bombshell alleging improper ties between John McCain and a lobbyist dropped only after three months of feuding between reporters who thought they’d “nailed” a story and the Gray Lady’s unsatisfied editor, the New Republic reports. One writer quit the paper over the...

Clinton Loses Right-Wing Media Allies

As senator looks to her left, conservative bedfellows are bailing

(Newser) - The conservative press, once a surprising ally for Hillary Clinton, is turning out to be about as loyal as the Democratic senator should have expected, Politico writes. Though long reviled by the far-right masses, Clinton once had the carefully cultivated respect of some rightish media players like Rupert Murdoch and...

Pragmatic Clinton Cozies Up to Drudge

Dem frontrunner keeps her friends close, onetime enemy closer

(Newser) - Political gossip purveyor Matt Drudge is traditionally a friend to Republicans and an enemy to Clintons, but the media-savvy Democratic frontrunner has found a way into the good graces of the unpredictable man who made his name peddling Lewinsky scoops. The Times looks at a coup that reflects Drudge's considerable...

Why the Whims of Matt Drudge Move the Media

And why the 'idiot with a modem' now lives in a $1M condo

(Newser) - Every day journalists in newsrooms across the country hope, pray and scheme to enhance the chances that one man will notice their breaking news. That man, Matt Drudge, controls Internet traffic so vast that a mention drives hundreds of thousands of readers to a single story. The same MSM types...

Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower
Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower

Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower

Salon explores the web-based underbelly of the '08 campaign

(Newser) - What do a $400 haircut, a hawkish rendition of a Beach Boys tune, and a decade-old donation to Planned Parenthood have in common? They're all results of an "opposition research game" that's pitting presidential campaign teams against each other in a contest to leak dirt to blogs and news...

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