college sports

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Nation's Most Ridiculous College Mascots

Fuzzy aesthetics gone awry, coming to a field near you this weekend

(Newser) - Granted, managing to create a college mascot whose gigantic foam appendages perfectly straddle the line between ridiculous and comically appropriate is no easy task. That said, the folks at Radar magazine didn't have to dig too deep to discover a batch who utterly obliterate the line. The worst offenders:
  • Evergreen

NCAA Penalizes Teams for Classroom Performance

Programs with poor graduation rates face sanctions

(Newser) - The NCAA has handed out sanctions to more than 200 college teams for poor academic performance, USA Today reports. More than a third of the 329 Division I schools had teams with subpar Academic Progress Rates, which means their players' graduation rate was lower than 60%. Twenty-six teams deemed chronic...

But Mom, It's a Really Great Football School

Big winners in college sports see increased applicants, study finds

(Newser) - The admissions office at Davidson may be a bit busier in the coming year if a new study to be published in Southern Economic Journal holds true. Researchers found that the biggest champs in football and basketball were also the biggest winners in terms of student applications the next year,...

College Sports Don't Pay Off
College Sports Don't Pay Off

College Sports Don't Pay Off

Parents overestimate value of athletic scholarships

(Newser) - Parents believe sports are their kids' golden ticket to college, but athletic scholarships rarely cover full tuition—and there aren't enough to go around. Football and basketball do pay off, but otherwise the average NCAA scholarship is worth $8,707, at schools that can cost up to $50,000 a...

NCAA Puts Limits on Live Blog Coverage

Policy restricts number of posts per game from field, courtside

(Newser) - The NCAA has set new rules for live-blogging of sporting events, limiting the amount of times a blogger can post new information during a game in an effort to fight a perceived simulacrum of re-broadcasting, Techdirt reports. The new rules are a compromise after an incident in June when a...

College Athletes Scrape for Cash for Low-Profile Sports

Cleaning and car washes fill funding gaps

(Newser) - Football and basketball squads are big money makers for colleges, but less popular spectator sports have trouble just staying afloat. How much trouble? Penn State's fencing team clears trash at the football stadium after games to earn funds for the team,  reports the New York Times. Star athletes at...

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