Opie and Anthony

3 Stories

Sirius XM Fires Shock Jock 'Opie'
Sirius XM Fires
Shock Jock 'Opie'

Sirius XM Fires Shock Jock 'Opie'

Move might have been over bathroom humor

(Newser) - First there was Opie and Anthony. Then just Opie. And now he's gone, too. Sirius XM has fired Gregg Hughes, aka Opie and host of the Opie Radio Show, reports Variety . The company hasn't explained the reason, but the chatter among fans is that it involves a video...

Opie and Anthony DJ Charged With Domestic Violence

Woman uploads Periscope video showing fight between her and Anthony Cumia

(Newser) - Last year he was fired from SiriusXM for a string of "racially charged and hate-filled" tweets. Now disc jockey Anthony Cumia is facing new troubles after a domestic violence incident at his Long Island home. The 54-year-old former co-host of the Opie and Anthony radio show was arrested Saturday...

XM Fans Irate at Shock Jock Suspension

Opie & Anthony, kicked off airwaves, now in trouble on satellite

(Newser) - Fans of "The Opie & Anthony Show" cancelled their satellite radio subscriptions by the hundreds after XM slapped the shock-jock duo with a 30-day suspension earlier this week. Subscribers are accusing the station—which promises uncensored content—of pandering to the FCC so they won't block a pending merger...

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