Lynndie England

9 Stories

Abu Ghraib Ex-Soldier: Prisoners Got Better End of Deal

Unremorseful Lynndie England 'won't apologize to enemy'

(Newser) - Poor Lynndie England. The female soldier linked to shocking abuse at the infamous Abu Ghraib military prison remains steadfastly unremorseful about what happened, and apparently believes the prisoners ended up faring better than she has. Prisoners' "lives are better. They got the better end of the deal,” Lynndie...

10 Accidental Celebrities
 10 Accidental 

10 Accidental Celebrities

None of them sought the spotlight—at first

(Newser) - Some people set out to be famous; other people are made famous accidentally—and then they either run with it (see Levi Johnston) or don’t (see the guy that Dick Cheney shot). Newsweek runs down the top 10 accidental celebrities:
  • Harry Whittington: He probably made Dick Cheney angry, and

Lynndie England Speech Canceled by Threats

(Newser) - A lecture by Lynndie England—the woman who became the public face of the Abu Ghraib scandal—had to be canceled at the Library of Congress yesterday after multiple threats led to concerns about staff safety. The former Army reservist had been scheduled to discuss her biography as part of...

'We Were Just Pawns:' Lynndie England

(Newser) - Lynndie England is trying to rebuild some semblance of a normal life, but her past continues to haunt her, she tells the AP. “It’s my face that's always recognized,” the former Army Reservist and poster child for Abu Ghraib abuse said of trying to get a job—...

Abu Ghraib Guards Say They Were Scapegoats

(Newser) - Lawyers for US soldiers convicted of abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison say the recently released CIA memos prove their clients were just following orders, the Times of London reports. Some of the dozen soldiers who were convicted plan to appeal, arguing that the Bush administration kept quiet during their...

If CIA Gets Pass on Torture, Why Not Lynndie?

Abu Ghraib convict's team cries foul over double standard

(Newser) - Among those infuriated at President Obama's decision to "turn the page" rather than prosecute officials who sanctioned torture at CIA prisons, and agents who conducted it, are supporters of Lynndie England, the jailed “face of the Abu Ghraib scandal.” They agree that her abuse of prisoners was...

Face of Abu Ghraib Isn't Sorry
 Face of 
 Abu Ghraib 
 Isn't Sorry 

Face of Abu Ghraib Isn't Sorry

Lynndie England struggles to find words

(Newser) - Lynndie England was probably not the ringleader at Abu Ghraib—she says prisoners were being degraded before she even arrived—but she will forever be the face most linked with the abuse. England is out of prison now, but she doesn’t feel sorry, she says. She feels persecuted. “...

Abu Ghraib Torturerer: 'Rumsfeld Knew'

Lynndie England implicates ex-defense sec in interview

(Newser) - Lynndie England spent nearly a year and a half in jail for her role in the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison. In her first interview since her release, she tells the German news magazine Stern that she was sorry about the pictures of Iraqi detainees but insisted that...

Abu Ghraib Film: Too Soft on Abuses?

Documentary wins Berlin prize, criticism for 'morbid voyeurism'

(Newser) - Documentary-maker Errol Morris has often spoken truth to power, but his new film about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal may tread too lightly, Geoffrey Macnab writes in the Guardian. Though Standard Operating Procedure explores the infamous prison photos in gritty detail, Morris’ interview style—focusing mainly on implicated American soldiers...

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