
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

This Airport's Secret Weapon Against Bird Strikes? Pigs

Officials hope the pigs will eat enough sugar beet near Amsterdam's Schiphol hub to fend off geese

(Newser) - No one wants their plane to fly into a flock of birds during takeoff, and at one of the Netherlands' busiest hubs, they've come up with a most creative approach to try to prevent such an event. A six-week project has been launched that has stuck pigs on a...

Netherlands Extends Lockdowns
Starts 12-Hour

Netherlands Starts 12-Hour Lockdowns

Restrictions were extended before latest variant was discovered

(Newser) - The Netherlands moved into a tougher lockdown Sunday that was announced even before the country recorded its first confirmed cases of the new omicron virus variant. Bars, restaurants, nonessential stores, cinemas, and theaters are among the public places now forced to shut from 5pm until 5am, the AP reports. Wilko...

2 Planes Flew in From South Africa. 61 People Had COVID

Dutch authorities are now testing passengers to see if they have worrisome omicron variant

(Newser) - Two flights arrived in the Netherlands on Friday, bearing some 600 passengers from South Africa, and also a good number of COVID cases—and those people are now being tested to see if they've got the newly emerging omicron variant . Reuters reports that 61 of the flights' passengers who...

Protest on COVID Restrictions Turns City Into 'War Zone'

Police fire on demonstrators in Dutch city of Rotterdam; 2 rioters hospitalized

(Newser) - Police opened fire on protesters in rioting that erupted in downtown Rotterdam around a demonstration against COVID-19 restrictions late Friday night, with the Dutch city's mayor calling it "an orgy of violence." Police said two rioters were hospitalized after being hit by bullets, and investigations were underway...

Protesters Confront 'Black Pete' at Holiday Event

Demonstrations have gone on for a decade against controversial Dutch sidekick to Santa

(Newser) - About 100 anti-racism protesters chanted "Kick out Black Pete!" on Saturday at an event where children could meet the Dutch version of Santa Claus and his controversial sidekick. The "Black Pete" character, often played by adults wearing blackface makeup, has sparked a decade of demonstrations and counterdemonstrations...

COVID Cases Hit Record Highs in Germany, Netherlands

Meanwhile, Austria plans a lockdown for the unvaccinated

(Newser) - Winter is approaching in Europe—and with it, a return to tighter COVID restrictions, at least for the unvaccinated. Reuters reports that, with strained ICUs and infections at a record high, Austria is planning a lockdown for the unvaccinated. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said Thursday that the country is just days...

During Pandemic, This Nation's Economy Takes Top Billing

Switzerland is No. 1 on WIPO's Global Innovation Index for 132 economies around the world

(Newser) - To get through something like a pandemic, countries have had to innovate—especially when it comes to keeping their economies humming. And there are "reasons to be optimistic" on that front, according to one of the editors of the World Intellectual Property Organization's annual Global Innovation Index , which...

Politician Arrested, Released in Fears Over Plot to Kill PM

Former far-right politician who converted to Islam detained

(Newser) - A politician in the Netherlands was arrested for acting suspiciously and, according to his lawyer, “plotting to kill” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Arnoud van Doorn, was picked up but released without charges on Monday, Politico reports. Van Doorn says he was in the same neighborhood in the Hague—...

Boy Wanting to See Sick Grandma Wins Vaccine Fight in Court

12-year-old Dutch boy's dad didn't want him to get it; a judge ruled in favor of the boy

(Newser) - A tween in the Netherlands who wanted to see his sick grandma knew it would be safer for her if he got his COVID shot first, but his father refused to let him get vaccinated. So the boy took matters into his own hands—and took his dad to court....

The Paintings Remain Missing, but Authorities Say There's DNA

Nils M has been charged in the Netherlands

(Newser) - His resume fits: a Dutch man identified as Nils M spent five years behind bars in connection with the 2012 theft of a 17th-century church vessel from a museum whose doors he blasted open. Prosecutors allege he struck again following his release. The 59-year-old was arrested in April and stands...

Holocaust Memorial 'Screams— Be Vigilant'

Dutch renew fight against anti-Semitism at unveiling

(Newser) - King Willem-Alexander unveiled a new memorial in the heart of Amsterdam's historic Jewish Quarter on Sunday honoring more than 102,000 Dutch victims of the Holocaust, and the Dutch prime minister vowed that it would remind citizens today to be vigilant against anti-Semitism. Designed by Polish-Jewish architect Daniel Libeskind,...

Mafia Boss Look-Alike Seized at Gunpoint, Thrown in Prison

Attorney blames Italian authorities for mix-up in the Hague

(Newser) - An Englishman who traveled to the Netherlands to take in a Formula One race got more excitement than he bargained for when he was mistaken for an Italian Mafia boss, wanted for more than 50 murders. The 54-year-old, identified by his attorney as Mark L., was seized at gunpoint by...

As Reporter Was Shot, 2 Suspicious Men Filmed Him

Police believe killers wanted video on Internet for 'maximum attention'

(Newser) - The killers of renowned crime reporter Peter R. de Vries may have wanted their own report on the crime, investigators in the Netherlands say. Police say two men seen on surveillance footage followed the 64-year-old from a studio to his car, took out their phones before he was shot on...

Murdered Journalist Aided in Alleged Gang Leader's Trial

Family announces death of Peter R. de Vries, adviser to a witness in the trial of Ridouan Taghi

(Newser) - Peter R. de Vries, the renowned Dutch crime reporter shot last week in a brazen attack in Amsterdam , has died, Dutch media reported Thursday. "Peter fought to the end, but was unable to win the battle," RTL, the Dutch network that de Vries regularly worked for, cited a...

After COVID Cases Spike, Dutch PM Apologizes

Mark Rutte says restrictions were eased too soon

(Newser) - Last Friday, the Dutch prime minister waved away criticism that easing pandemic restrictions in the Netherlands was a bad idea. On Monday, he apologized. Mark Rutte, the PM, and Hugo de Jong, the health minister, insisted last week that relaxing coronavirus at the end of June was the right call....

Famous Crime Reporter Shot on Amsterdam Street

Peter R. de Vries hospitalized in serious condition

(Newser) - One of the best-known crime reporters in the Netherlands is now a crime victim. Peter R. de Vries, 64, was gunned down on a street in Amsterdam's city center Tuesday evening and has been hospitalized in serious condition, the BBC reports. Witnesses told Dutch media that at least five...

Months Later, Arrest in Brazen Pandemic Art Heists

Man accused of stealing two paintings from two different museums in the Netherlands

(Newser) - More than a year after a Van Gogh was stolen from a shuttered Dutch museum early in the COVID-19 pandemic, an arrest has been made in that case—as well as another art heist that also took place in the Netherlands, at a different museum, months later. A 58-year-old Dutch...

This Is the Happiest Country in the World

It's not the US, which comes in at No. 14, per 'Forbes'

(Newser) - Saturday is marked as the International Day of Happiness , and in some parts of the world, that contentment factor is especially prevalent. Forbes reports on the 2021 World Happiness Report , the ninth installation, which calls the past year a year "like no other." The Gallup World Poll team...

Amsterdam Plans to Move Red Light District

Sex workers will be shifted to new 'erotic zone' away from the city center

(Newser) - Dutch lawmakers have given the green light to plans to move sex workers away from Amsterdam's famous red light district. City councilors from several parties supported Mayor Femke Halsema's proposal to move brothels from the alleyways of the city center, where tourists often stopped to gawk at women...

3 Nights of Curfew, and the Riots Are Getting Worse

Netherlands police stretched thin as authorities blame violent people for hijacking protests

(Newser) - The Netherlands put a coronavirus curfew into effect on Saturday, and police have had their hands full with rioters for three consecutive nights now, reports the Guardian . Nearly 200 were arrested in cities large and small Monday night, though authorities say the demonstrations have become more about young people causing...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>