Lillo Brancato

2 Stories

Sopranos Actor Gets Reduced Sentence for Deadly Robbery

Brancato gets 10 years for role in cop killing

(Newser) - Lillo Brancato was given a reduced sentence of 10 years in prison for the attempted burglary that ended in the murder of an off-duty police officer, the New York Daily News reports today. The ex-Sopranos actor, 32, also got 5 years of probation for the botched prescription-drug robbery, during which...

Sopranos Actor Beats Murder Rap

(Newser) - Ex-Sopranos actor Lillo Brancato beat a cop-killing rap in New York today but faces up to 15 years for attempted burglary, the New York Daily News reports. A jury decided that Brancato, 32, did try to break into a friend's apartment in a hunt for drugs, but bore no guilt...

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