Kelly Preston

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Ambulance Driver Charged in Travolta Extortion Plot

(Newser) - Paramedic Tarino Lightbourne, the second of three suspects held in the John Travolta extortion case, pleaded not guilty today to conspiracy charges in the Bahamas, E! Online reports. Lightbourne had driven Jett Travolta to a hospital the day he died. The paramedic is being held without bail; a prosecutor says...

Jett's Death Sparked Fears for Autistic Son: McCarthy

Activist can't say if Jett also had autism

(Newser) - The Travolta tragedy hit close to home for former Playmate Jenny McCarthy, whose autistic son also suffers from seizures. “My heart went out to them—such compassion and understanding for what they’ve gone through,” McCarthy told Access Hollywood. “Looking at Jett, I cried out of fear...

Travoltas Say Goodbye to Jett
 Travoltas Say Goodbye to Jett 

Travoltas Say Goodbye to Jett

Son remembered at private memorial

(Newser) - John Travolta and his family said goodbye to Jett at a private service yesterday in Florida, the Ocala Star-Banner reports. About 100 guests attended, including Lisa Marie Presley, Garth Brooks, and Cal Ripken Jr, says one source. A female minister from the Church of Scientology spoke, and both Travolta and...

Travoltas' Fla. Town Grieves With Family

Small town gives celebs their space

(Newser) - The small central Florida town of Ocala is about as far from Hollywood as you can get. Maybe that's why actor John Travolta moved his family here. The social scene revolves around ranchers' soirees, and mobile home parks, peanut farms, and moss-covered oak trees dot the landscape. Now, with the...

Lisa Marie Defends Travoltas, Scientology

Blog post on MySpace stands up fro Jett's parents

(Newser) - Lisa Marie Presley's reaching out to John Travolta and Kelly Preston, while also calling out those who have used their son's death to trash Scientology, Us magazine reports. “Folks, as popular as it has been to discriminate and ridicule Scientology and Scientologists in the recent past, now is NOT...

Jett's Ailments a Mystery to Friends

(Newser) - Jett Travolta had a beaming smile and a boy's love of the water, but he was never heard speaking, and even the family's closest friends never knew what ailments he had, reports People. "I observed that he was significantly mentally handicapped," says actress Anne Archer. "John always...

Travolta to Jett: 'I'm Sorry'

Travolta flies son's ashes home

(Newser) - John Travolta’s parting words to his son were “I’m sorry, Jett,” as he held the teen’s body at the hospital, Inside Edition reports. Jett’s ambulance driver witnessed Travolta’s heartbreak throughout the ordeal, and reflected that “I think he meant, ‘I'm sorry,...

Jett Died After 'Seizure,' Not Head Trauma

Mortician speaks as ruse hearse 'picks up' Travolta's son

(Newser) - John Travolta's son died of a seizure, not head trauma, says an undertaker who saw the 16-year-old's death certificate. While autopsy results remain under wraps, mortician Glen Campbell's description may dispel notions that Jett Travolta died by banging his head in a Bahamas hotel bathroom, E! Online reports.

Jett Autopsy Done, No Cause Yet

Bahamas' health minister refuses comment on findings

(Newser) - Doctors in the Bahamas conducted an autopsy today on John Travolta's 16-year-old son, but authorities did not immediately disclose the results. Bahamian Minister of Health Hubert Minnis declined to comment on what may have caused the death of Jett Travolta, who had a history of seizures and was found unconscious...

Travoltas Faced Tough Calls in Jett's Treatment

Seizure meds are painful, often ineffective

(Newser) - An autopsy later today may answer the questions surrounding Jett Travolta's untimely death, but the seizures he suffered remain largely shrouded in mystery. Epilepsy is a catch-all diagnosis for those who suffer seizures—which can be caused by infections, autism, head trauma, even medications, a neurologist tells USA Today. Treatment...

Travolta: 'We're Heartbroken'
 Travolta: 'We're Heartbroken' 

Travolta: 'We're Heartbroken'

Jett was 'the most wonderful son,' anguished actor says on website

(Newser) - In his first public message on the tragic loss of his teenage son, anguished actor John Travolta said his family is "heartbroken" by Jett's death, but will "cherish" the too-brief time they had with him "for the rest of our lives." Jett was "the most...

Travolta Son Was Off His Meds: Lawyers

But had been removed from longtime drug to protect his health

(Newser) - Jett Travolta was no longer on anti-seizure medication when he died, but not because Scientology opposed the drug, TMZ reports. John Travolta's lawyers say Jett had taken Depakote for years until it gradually lost its effectiveness. When Jett's seizure rate increased again, his father and Kelly Preston consulted neurosurgeons and...

'I'm Losing Him!'
 'I'm Losing Him!' 

'I'm Losing Him!'

Paramedic tells of Travolta's desperate moments trying to save dying son

(Newser) - "Help me, help me, I'm losing him!" John Travolta pleaded with a paramedic who discovered the actor pumping the chest of his dying 16-year-old son at a Bahamas resort. As he struggled to save the boy, lying unconscious on the floor of his bathroom, the actor was anguished...

Travolta's Son Dead at 16
 Travolta's Son
 Dead at 16 

Travolta's Son Dead at 16

(Newser) - John Travolta's 16-year-old son, Jett, died today in the Bahamas, the actor's lawyer tells the TMZ website. Jett Travolta suffered a seizure while on vacation with his parents, Travolta and his wife, actress Kelly Preston, and could not be revived. Travolta and Preston also have an 8-year-old daughter, Ella.

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