Chastity Bono

4 Stories

44 Celebs Who Were Classmates

Bet you didn't know these stars went to high school together

(Newser) - Apparently some schools just produce more stars than others. PopSugar rounds up celebrities you may not have realized attended high school together. Click through the gallery for a sampling, or check out the complete list .

Cher: Chaz Is a 'Very Smart Girl—Boy!'

Proud mom still struggles with pronouns

(Newser) - Cher’s daughter Chastity is now her son Chaz —and the singer still can’t quite get her pronouns straight. “She’s a very smart girl—boy! This is where I get into trouble,” she tells Vanity Fair . “I still don’t remember to call her...

Chaz Bono Very Happy After Sex Change

Sonny and Cher's firstborn finishes months of surgeries

(Newser) - Chaz—formerly Chastity—Bono is enjoying the payoff of years of effort: He’s finally a man. Born the daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono, Chaz says his female-to-male sex change was the “end of a long process going back almost a decade. I got clean and sober in...

Chastity Bono Will Change Sex to Male

Sonny and Cher's child began process just after 40th birthday

(Newser) - Chastity Bono—the 40-year-old activist-artist child of Sonny and Cher—is in the early stages of changing his gender from female to male. “It is Chaz’s hope that his choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue, just as his ‘...

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