
9 Stories

She Lost Her Ring in 2004. It Just Showed Up on a Carrot

Canada's Mary Grams says it still fits

(Newser) - Mary Grams pulled a weed on her family farm in Alberta, Canada, in 2004 and lost her engagement ring in the process. All these years later, the ring has turned up, incredibly, on a carrot, reports the CBC . It seems her daughter-in-law plucked the lucky carrot from the ground, and...

82-Year-Old Finds Wedding Ring in Carrot Harvest

Just as his late wife told him he would

(Newser) - A retiree in Germany has struck gold in his garden, reports the AP , finding the wedding band he lost three years ago wrapped around a carrot. German public broadcaster WDR reports that the 82-year-old lost the ring while gardening in the western town of Bad Muenstereifel. The incident happened shortly...

We Were Tricked Into Thinking Carrots Improve Vision

But it turns out to be kind of true

(Newser) - Eating lots of carrots will improve your vision, right? Not exactly, the American Chemical Society explains in a new video . Bottom line: Carrots can contribute in a general way to overall eye health, but they're not going to prevent you from needing glasses. As the ACS video explains, carrots...

Long-Lost Wedding Ring Reappears— on Carrot
 Wedding Ring 
 on Carrot 
in case you missed it

Long-Lost Wedding Ring Reappears— on Carrot

Hadn't been seen for 16 years

(Newser) - A Swedish woman lost her wedding ring in 1995, and it's finally turned up—around a carrot in her vegetable garden. The whereabouts of the ring across the 16 years in between remains a bizarre mystery. Lena Paahlsson was baking when she took off the ring, prompting some serious...

Guy Proposes ... as a Dancing Carrot

And he gets the girl

(Newser) - If your girlfriend's favorite color is orange and you want to propose, maybe dressing yourself and 48 friends as giant carrots is the best way to get her to say yes. That is what one lovestruck Chinese man did recently for China's Valentine's Day in the city...

Eating Carrots Makes You Prettier
Eating Carrots
Makes You Prettier

Eating Carrots Makes You Prettier

Attractiveness linked to carotenoid intake

(Newser) - Eating carrots and other fruits high in carotenoids makes you more physically attractive, a new study suggests. British researchers had volunteers score pictures of other subjects by physical attractiveness, reports the AFP. It turned out that people who ate the most carrots, plums, and other strongly pigmented foods had a...

Can Baby Carrots Really Kill Doritos?
Can Baby Carrots Really
Kill Doritos?
in case you missed it

Can Baby Carrots Really Kill Doritos?

The carrot industry is spending $25M to try

(Newser) - What do Doritos and baby carrots have in common? The answer we're looking for is "they're both lunchtime standards"—and the baby carrot industry wants to take Doritos and its snack-food brethren down. Some 50 carrot growers are planning a $25 million marketing effort designed to convince kids...

Wanna Fight Cancer? Don't Chop Your Carrots

Study finds cut carrots lose anti-cancer compound during cooking

(Newser) - Carrots preserve 25% more of their cancer-fighting properties if they're not chopped up before cooking, according to a new study. Researchers found that the amount of falcarinol—proven to reduce the risk of tumors by a third in rats—was higher in carrots that had been boiled whole. Carrots that...

What's Up, Doc? Cawwot Bombs in Sweden!

(Newser) - Swedes got a scare this weekend after an artist wrapped bunches of carrots with black tape to make them look a bit like dynamite, attached clocks and wires and placed them around the southern city of Orebo. Police received several concerned calls from the public about the "Bunny Project:...

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