Organizing for America

7 Stories

Dems Cough Up $50M to Lure Obama Voters Back to Polls

Party zeroes in again on young, minorities

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom says the 15 million first-time voters who pushed President Obama to his 2008 victory won't turn out for this year's midterm elections. But $50 million say they will. That's the gamble the Democratic Party is making: Instead of focusing on turning out the base, traditionally the only people...

Obama Site Calls Conservatives 'Terrorists'

Apparently user-generated posting sent to supporters

(Newser) - A message posted on President Obama’s “Organizing for America” website and sent to its supporters “likens conservatives to al-Qaeda terrorists,” writes Rory Cooper for the Heritage Foundation. The posting, which Cooper notes “may have been user-generated,” calls for a phone campaign to Senators on...

Health Battle Tests Obama Grassroots Group

Organizing for America struggles to become force for policy activism

(Newser) - For Jeremy Bird, deputy director of Organizing for America, the battle for health care reform takes the shape of the numerous meetings he’s had with discouraged volunteers across Wisconsin this weekend. The OFA network is smaller and underfunded compared with its campaign-era version, and volunteers feel “outshouted” by...

Obama Urges Activists to Retake Health Care Debate

White House struggles to regain message control

(Newser) - President Obama urged the grassroots activists who helped him so much in the presidential campaign to do the same in the health care debate, Politico reports. “Now come on," the president told members of Organizing for America in a conference call today. "The best ambassadors for true...

Obama, House Dems Dig In, Push Back on Health Care

Website, 'war room' target misinformation

(Newser) - Democrats are lurching into action to fight for health care reform, Politico reports. The Obama administration today launched a new viral “Reality Check” website to combat health care myths, modeled on the “Fight the Smears” site it used to get elected. Among other claims, the videos debunk rumors...

Health Care Battle Stymies Obama Campaign Machine

(Newser) - Now that he’s in office, President Obama is having a lot of trouble mobilizing the grassroots network that helped put him there, the Los Angeles Times reports. With Republican health care opponents operating like a well-oiled, talk-show-fueled machine, Organizing for America (aka Obama for America) is stuttering—in part...

White House Gets Tough on Congress' Critics, Skeptics

Obama defends stimulus, pushes health reform

(Newser) - The White House is cracking down on its critics—and on laggards within the Democratic Party, too. Republican naysayers on the economic stimulus and health care are getting the roughest treatment, Politico reports. After Kentucky Sen. Jon Kyl railed against the efficacy of stimulus spending, four Cabinet secretaries wrote to...

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