Nikki Finke

4 Stories

She Stunned Tinseltown With 'Take No Prisoners' Reporting
'She Told the Truth
About Hollywood'

'She Told the Truth About Hollywood'

Nikki Finke, founder of Deadline entertainment news site, has died at age 68

(Newser) - Deadline is reporting on a death that hits especially hard among its own: Nikki Finke, the fiery entertainment journalist who founded the Hollywood trade site, died Sunday at the age of 68 at her home in Boca Raton, Fla., after a long illness. Finke, who Variety notes was notorious...

Blogger Nikki Finke Stays One Step Ahead

Deadline Hollywood Daily is insiders' first call, for good or ill

(Newser) - Nikki Finke works out of her apartment in Hollywood, surrounded by six phones, a laptop, and a cat. Although she doesn’t go out and mingle with her contacts, she certainly has them. And their desire to be on her good side—or stay out of her sights entirely—has...

Changes Afoot for Hollywood Trade Pubs

Variety to charge for online content; THR will move to web

(Newser) - Variety will go back behind a pay wall next year, less than 2 years after tearing down its old one, the Los Angeles Times reports. will be open only to print or online subscribers, just as it was before February 2007. “Everyone thought then that if you...

Finke Has Hollywood Running Scared
Finke Has Hollywood Running Scared

Finke Has Hollywood Running Scared

(Newser) - Few people in Hollywood have ever seen the hermit-like Nikki Finke, but they fear her anyway, David Carr reports in the New York Times. Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily blog has become essential reading for tinseltown players, a source of scoops and gossip that afflict the powerful. "In a...

4 Stories