Ernie Anastos

2 Stories

Fox Anchor Apologizes to Chickens Everywhere

Ernie Anastos sorry for laying on-air egg

(Newser) - The Fox anchor who stirred up a fricassé when he almost suggested a co-worker go pluck a chicken has apologized for his on-air bleep, reports AP. "I misspoke," said veteran New York broadcaster Ernie Anastos. "I apologize for my remarks to anyone who may have been offended....

F&#% a Cluck: NY Fox Anchor Bleeps Big Time

Ernie Anastos has choice on-air suggestion for weatherman

(Newser) - A veteran New York Fox TV anchor is likely in for a peck of trouble after making an obscene suggestion on air about what the weather forecaster should do to a chicken. "It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast," Ernie Anastos quipped to weatherman Nick...

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