
5 Stories

Daydreaming May Be Why Neurotics Are So Creative

So, does this explain Woody Allen?

(Newser) - Is there a reason neurotic people tend to be bigger worriers but also more creative than the rest of us? A newly published theory says yes, and it has to do with daydreaming. Neurotics—famous ones include Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill, and, of course, Woody Allen—get anxious and obsessed...

To Be Happy, Neurotic Couples Need More Sex

Study finds that it negates the 'happiness deficit'

(Newser) - Neurotic couples struggle with negative emotions and mood swings, but new findings say they're just as happy with their marriages as non-neurotic couples when sex is frequent. The sex negated the "happiness deficit," say researchers. For non-neurotic couples, sex was less critical for happiness, reports LiveScience .

Neurotic People Die Earlier
 Neurotic People 
 Die Earlier 

Neurotic People Die Earlier

Increased likelihood of smoking increases mortality risk of nervous nellies

(Newser) - Neurotics are more likely to die prematurely than their mellower peers, LiveScience reports. A new study that followed nearly 1,800 men for 30 years found that those who fit self-descriptive criteria for neuroticism—constantly worried or anxious—were more likely to die early, in large part because they were...

Therapists See New Disorders in Mega-Rich

Today's wealthy are too narcissistic to be depressed, say shrinks

(Newser) - These days the rich in America are richer than ever—but with more money come more problems, from fears of inadequacy to neurotic consumption. To help them with their troubles, these titans of Wall Street or K Street call upon a small group of therapists who make a specialty of...

Is Your Cat Making You Neurotic?
Is Your Cat Making You Neurotic?

Is Your Cat Making You Neurotic?

(Newser) - A parasite that reproduces in cats, previously linked to schizophrenia in infected humans, has now, bizarrely, been implicated in mass personality changes in geographic areas where incidence of infection is high. A U.S. Geological Survey study of 39 countries shows that high infection rates of the Toxoplasma gondii parasite...

5 Stories
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