Corey Haim found dead

9 Stories

Corey Haim Died of Natural Causes: Coroner

Heart trouble, pneumonia claimed actor

(Newser) - Corey Haim did not die of a drug overdose, says the Los Angeles coroner. The late actor's cause of death was determined to be diffuse alveolar damage—damage to the heart—and pneumonia, E! Online reports. No drugs played a role, and the coroner declared the manner of death to...

20 Docs Subpoenaed in Corey Haim Case

Dead star got prescriptions from many sources

(Newser) - The LA County coroner’s office has subpoenaed the records of the whopping 20 doctors Corey Haim obtained prescriptions from in the year before his death. “We get medical records all the time,” the deputy coroner tells the Los Angeles Times . “What’s kind of unusual is...

Drug Ring Bust Made in Corey Haim Death

Actor obtained 'thousands' of drugs in last year

(Newser) - Police have made an arrest in a massive illegal prescription drug ring believed to be implicated in the death of actor Corey Haim. Los Angeles officials launched an investigation into the ring after they discovered that Haim had obtained thousands of prescription drugs from dozens of doctors in the past...

Corey to Corey: I Tried to Save You
 Corey to Corey: 
 I Tried to Save You 
his farewell letter

Corey to Corey: I Tried to Save You

Feldman writes a farewell letter to Haim on his blog

(Newser) - Corey Feldman didn’t attend Corey Haim’s funeral yesterday; instead he posted an open letter on his blog commemorating their brotherhood. “Nobody will ever need me the way you did,” he writes. “My mission in life became saving yours. I never gave up, I tried. I...

Mom's Wrenching 911 Call: Please, Core, C'mon, Baby

'I am alone with my son and I don't know what I'm doing'

(Newser) - Corey Haim's mom desperately pressed on his chest and tried to talk her dying son back to the light during a wrenching phone call to a 911 dispatcher. "He wanted to go to the bathroom and he fell and that was it, his eyes went backwards," Haim's mom,...

Toronto Will Pay for Corey Haim's Funeral

Actor's mom says his hometown will foot the bill

(Newser) - His hometown of Toronto will pay for Corey Haim's funeral, according to the actor's mother. In addition, a memorabilia website that has bought up some of Haim's possessions tells Access Hollywood it will chip in to help his cash-strapped family buy a tombstone and cover other expenses. The 38-year-old's funeral...

Corey Haim's Mom: He Died of Heart Trouble

She says the coroner found pulmonary congestion

(Newser) - The mother of Corey Haim says the coroner found that her son had an enlarged heart and fluid in his lungs and will list the cause of death as pulmonary congestion. Judy Haim tells Access Hollywood that the coroner's office gave her a courtesy call before making the results public....

Corey Feldman Mourns 'My Brother Corey Haim'

Actor calls longtime friend 'a wonderful, beautiful, tormented soul'

(Newser) - Corey Feldman, the surviving half of "the two Coreys," spoke out this afternoon about the "tragic loss of a wonderful, beautiful, tormented soul"—Corey Haim, who died today of a drug overdose today at 38. The '80s child actors were friends and co-stars, most recently in...

Corey Haim Dies of Overdose
 Corey Haim Dies of Overdose 

Corey Haim Dies of Overdose

'80s teen idol found unresponsive; mother was home

(Newser) - Former teen heartthrob Corey Haim has died of what appears to be an accidental overdose. The 38-year-old was found unresponsive in his Burbank apartment, and rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 3:30 this morning. Police tell KTLA News that his mother was home at the...

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