
2 Stories

Top 10 Wildest Excuses When We're Late for Work

Hiccuping cat, ambiguous lottery ticket top the list

(Newser) - Traffic, poor sleep, and bad weather are the three most common excuses for showing up late to work, according to a nationwide survey of employees and bosses. But what are the most outrageous reasons employees gave in 2011 for being tardy? Here are the top 10, selected by CareerBuilder.com...

Cell Phones Squash the Guilt of Being Late

It's time people relearned some manners

(Newser) - Remember the days when you showed up on time—or, if you were late, you at least felt bad about it? Those days are long gone, thanks to cell phones and text messages. "We have so many ways to relay a message that we're going to be tardy that...

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