Megan Kelly

2 Stories

Glenn Beck's Last Day: June 30

Still no word from Fox on his replacement

(Newser) - Mark it down on the chalkboard: Glenn Beck's final day on Fox will be June 30, reports Mediaite . A gleeful Media Matters notes that Beck's ratings in May were among his worst ever. Business Insider , meanwhile, suggests five possible replacements, including Megan Kelly and SE Cupp . Beck, of...

Fox Anchor Slams Sheriff for Blasting 'Vitriolic' Arizona

Stop putting a 'political spin' on shooting, Megan Kelly complains

(Newser) - Megan Kelly of Fox News jumped on an Arizona sheriff for lambasting the "vitriolic" political atmosphere that he believes risks inflaming violence in the state where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head. Kelly pressed Sheriff Clarence Dupnik for any specific political messages that may have set off...

2 Stories