Mark Stroman

2 Stories

Texan Executed for 9/11 Revenge Murder

Surviving victim's appeal to save Mark Stroman rejected

(Newser) - Texas inmate Mark Stroman was executed yesterday for killing a Dallas-area convenience store clerk during a shooting spree that he said was in retaliation for the 9/11 attacks. Stroman claimed the shooting spree that killed two men and injured a third targeted people of Middle Eastern descent, though all three...

Texan to Die for 9/11 Revenge Killings

Surviving victim battling to save Mark Stroman's life

(Newser) - A Muslim immigrant from Bangladesh is fighting to save the life of the man who shot him in the face as revenge for the 9/11 attacks. Mark Stroman, who killed two people in the weeks after the attacks, is scheduled to be executed by the state of Texas today for...

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