Vernon Winfrey

2 Stories

Oprah, Stepmom in Ugly Eviction Battle

Barbara Winfrey given 60 days to vacate house

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey is evicting her former stepmom from the $1.4 million Tennessee home Oprah owns. After an ugly divorce from Oprah's dad, Vernon Winfrey, late last year, 66-year-old Barbara Winfrey now has 60 days to vacate the estate, the Tennessean reports. Oprah originally bought the home for her...

Oprah Winfrey's Dad in Ugly Divorce Dispute

And Vernon Winfrey has lost a number of properties, too

(Newser) - Things aren't going so well for Oprah's dad: In divorce papers filed yesterday, Vernon Winfrey's second wife—Oprah's stepmother, Barbara—claims the 79-year-old has threatened her, cheated on her, and is trying (with help from O herself) to toss her out of their house. Vernon initially...

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