Arrowhead Ripper

2 Stories

New Yorker Felled by Arrow in Mystery Attack

'They shot me with an arrow,' screamed the woman in bizarre attack

(Newser) - A Yonkers woman was shot in the stomach yesterday by an arrow from a mystery assailant, reports the New York Daily News. She was struck as she dropped off churchgoers at a Bronx nursing home. "They shot me with an arrow," she screamed as she clutched the 30-inch...

US Launches Major Attack on Sunni Insurgents

Americans take the fight outside of Baghdad to al Qaeda HQ

(Newser) - Two thousand U.S. and Iraqi troops launched a large-scale assault on Sunni insurgents in Diyala province last night, pursuing militants who have moved their strongholds outside of Baghdad. The offensive in the province's capital, Baquba, is part of a much larger operation attacking centers of insurgency all over Iraq....

2 Stories
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