Jeremy Hammond

3 Stories

Master Hacker's Downfall: Password Was Cat's Name

Jeremy Hammond didn't put up much of a wall

(Newser) - Jeremy Hammond is a guy so notorious for hacking anything and everything that he's currently cooling his heels in federal lockup for 10 years over his penchant for opening cyber doors. So it's more than a little surprising when, in the course of an interview at Manchester Federal...

Hacker-Turned-Mole Avoids Jail Time
 Hacker-Turned-Mole Goes Free 

Hacker-Turned-Mole Goes Free

Hector Monsegur, aka Sabu of LulzSec, became an informant

(Newser) - Hector Monsegur might well be the most hated man in the world of hackers these days, but he's also a free man as a result. A judge today let the 30-year-old Monsegur off with 7 months' time served, even though he faced up to 26 years in prison, reports...

US Hacker Gets 10 Years
 US Hacker Gets 10 Years 

US Hacker Gets 10 Years

Jeremy Hammond of Chicago worked with Anonymous

(Newser) - A 28-year-old hacker from Chicago who worked with Anonymous got hit with the maximum 10-year sentence today for a series of high-profile cyberattacks, reports the Chicago Tribune . Jeremy Hammond's attorneys presented letters of support from more than 250 people—including Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsburg—but the judge said...

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