Thomas Piketty

4 Stories

Star Economist Floats Contentious Theory on ISIS' Rise

Thomas Piketty blames income inequality in Mideast, thanks to the West

(Newser) - French economist Thomas Piketty is no stranger to controversy , thanks in part to his best-selling writing about income inequality. But he may have just floated his most controversial theory yet, one about the rise of the Islamic State, writes Jim Tankersley in the Washington Post . As first laid out in...

Star Economist Doesn't Want France's Top Honor

Piketty says government should focus on fixing economy

(Newser) - The French economist whose 685-page Capital in the Twenty-First Century became a surprise 2014 bestseller has rejected the country's top honor, saying the government should concentrate on fixing the economy instead of giving out awards. "I refuse this nomination because I do not think it is the government'...

Newspaper: Best-Seller on Economics Has Bad Math

'Financial Times' calls Thomas Piketty's blockbuster into question

(Newser) - Thomas Piketty managed to pull off the rare feat of writing a lengthy best-seller about global economics, but now the Financial Times is calling into question the validity of Capital in the 21st Century in a very basic way: "The rock-star French economist appears to have got his sums...

Amazon's Top Seller: a 685-Page Economics Book

Thomas Piketty addresses income inequality

(Newser) - Thomas Piketty's book Capital in the Twenty-First Century may not be a quick read, but it's flying off the (digital) shelves. What makes a 685-page book on economic history, translated from French, Amazon's bestseller ? Well, the reviews have been great; Paul Krugman calls it "truly...

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