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1985 Shaken Baby Case Yields New Murder Charge

Terry McKirchy could face life in prison if convicted in Florida

(Newser) - Babysitter Terry McKirchy got a light sentence 36 years ago after pleading no contest to attempted murder for shaking 5-month-old Benjamin Dowling so severely that he suffered permanent brain damage—weekends in jail for three months and three years probation. But now McKirchy is facing a possible life sentence after...

Weinstein Heads to LA After Losing Extradition Fight

Former producer faces trial there on 11 sexual assault counts

(Newser) - New York prison officials handed over convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein to be taken to California on Tuesday to face additional sexual assault charges, ending the former movie producer's protracted fight to delay his extradition. Weinstein, 69, was released by the New York State corrections department around 9:30am, a...

John McAfee Found Dead After Extradition Ruling

Spanish authorities say 'everything points to death by suicide'

(Newser) - On Wednesday, Spain's National Court ruled that John McAfee could be extradited to the US to stand trial on criminal tax evasion charges. Hours later, the antivirus software pioneer was found dead in his prison cell. The Catalan justice department confirmed that the 75-year-old had been found unresponsive in...

At Border Between 2 States, Handoff of a Murder Suspect

Kyle Rittenhouse of Illinois is accused of killing 2 in Kenosha, Wis.

(Newser) - A 17-year-old from Illinois accused of killing two demonstrators in Kenosha, Wis., has been extradited to stand trial on homicide charges, with sheriff’s deputies in Illinois handing him over to their counterparts in Wisconsin shortly after a judge on Friday approved the contested extradition. In his afternoon ruling that...

Assange Outburst Leads to 'Clear Warning' From Judge

WikiLeaks founder on thin ice after shouting during witness testimony in London courtroom

(Newser) - A judge threatened to have Julian Assange thrown from the London courtroom where he's fighting extradition to the US from Britain on Tuesday after he shouted from the dock during witness testimony. "If you interrupt proceedings and disrupt a witness who is properly giving their evidence, it is...

2 Americans Arrested Over Ghosn Escape

Ex-Green Beret, son face extradition to Japan

(Newser) - A former Green Beret and his son have been arrested in Massachusetts in connection with former Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn's escape from Japan —and prosecutors say it would be a very bad idea to release Michael and Peter Taylor on bail during extradition proceedings. "Michael Taylor is...

Assange Lawyer: They Stripped Him Twice on Day One

Attorney says client is being mistreated as extradition hearing continues

(Newser) - A lawyer for Julian Assange complained Tuesday that the WikiLeaks founder was handcuffed 11 times, stripped naked twice, and had court papers taken away on the first day of a hearing on his extradition to the United States, per the AP . Attorney Edward Fitzgerald told a judge that the treatment...

UK Fumes After US Refuses to Extradite Anne Sacoolas

State Dept. rep says doing so would 'set an extraordinarily troubling precedent'

(Newser) - The UK is fuming after the US announced Thursday that it would not extradite the diplomat's wife charged with dangerous driving causing the death of 19-year-old Harry Dunn. While the government "expresses its sincere condolences and sympathy to the Dunn family," Anne Sacoolas' extradition "would render...

'Protesters' Demanding 'Free Meng' Weren't Really Protesters

At least 3 have now come forward saying they were paid for the gig

(Newser) - On the first day of the first stage of Huawei exec Meng Wanzhou's extradition hearing, more than a dozen apparent protesters were spotted outside the Vancouver courtroom holding signs bearing messages like "Free Ms. Meng" and "Trump stop bullying us." Only ... those weren't actually protesters....

Harry Dunn's Mom: New Development 'Means Everything'

Anne Sacoolas charged, may face extradition

(Newser) - Charges have been filed against the US diplomat's wife involved in a car crash that killed 19-year-old Harry Dunn in the UK. But whether 42-year-old Anne Sacoolas will ever return to Britain to face trial remains very much up in the air. The Crown Prosecution Service says extradition proceedings...

Assange Seems &#39;Confused&#39; at Hearing
at Hearing

Assange Seems 'Confused' at Hearing

Judge denies request to push back his trial

(Newser) - Julian Assange appeared, in Reuters ' words, "confused" Monday during an extradition hearing in a London courtroom. The 48-year-old WikiLeaks founder "mumbled and stuttered for several seconds as he gave his name and date of birth," the news outlet says; later, when the judge asked him whether...

Russia Put Her in Prison —and Wants a Swap

Naama Issachar got over 7 years for having a few grams of pot

(Newser) - A little marijuana, and Naama Issachar became a political pawn. The Israeli-Amercan was flying through Moscow in April when authorities arrested her for allegedly carrying 9.5 grams of pot in her bags, the New York Times reports. Expecting a slap on the wrist, the 26-year-old from New Jersey was...

After Months of Unrest, a 'Dramatic U-Turn' in Hong Kong

Leader Carrie Lam withdraws controversial extradition bill that sparked violent protests

(Newser) - Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam formally withdrew an extradition bill Wednesday as protesters have demanded, in what CNN notes was a "dramatic U-turn" for the chief executive. The bill allowing Hong Kong residents to be sent to mainland China for trials has sparked massive protests that have rocked the...

Bill That Sparked Hong Kong Protests Is 'Dead'

Lam says there is no plan to revive extradition bill

(Newser) - Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said Tuesday the effort to amend an extradition bill that sparked massive protests was dead, but it wasn't clear if the legislation was being withdrawn as protesters have demanded. Lam noted there were "lingering doubts about the government's sincerity or worries whether...

Assange Extradition Hearing Is Slated for 2020

It's expected to last 5 days, beginning Feb. 25

(Newser) - Anyone placing bets on whether Julian Assange will be extradited to the US won't see a windfall or have to pay up until 2020. On Friday it was decided in Westminster Magistrates' Court that a full extradition hearing would take place beginning Feb. 25, 2020. The BBC reports it...

Bad News for Assange on US Extradition Order

Britain's home secretary signs off on it, and now it's up to the courts

(Newser) - When Julian Assange was arrested in April, he could be heard shouting that the US had no right to demand his extradition. He did not convince British authorities. Home Secretary Sajid Javid said Thursday that he has signed off on the US extradition order, reports the Guardian . However, this does...

Hong Kong Police Fire Rubber Bullets at Protesters

Massive protest delayed debate on extradition bill

(Newser) - Hong Kong police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters who had gathered outside government headquarters Wednesday in opposition to a proposed extradition bill that has become a lightning rod for concerns over greater Chinese control and erosion of civil liberties in the territory. The afternoon violence marked a...

China Blames 'Foreign Forces' for Massive HK Protest

Leader says she won't scrap extradition bill

(Newser) - Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam was unswayed by one of the biggest protests in the territory's history. Lam announced Monday that a controversial bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China for the first time will not be scrapped despite widespread opposition, the BBC reports. A crowd estimated...

UN Expert: Assange Shows Signs of 'Psychological Torture'

Nils Melzer argues against his extradition to US

(Newser) - Julian Assange's human rights might be violated if he's extradited to the US, according to a UN expert who says the WikiLeaks founder "shows all the signs that are typical for person who has prolonged exposure to psychological torture." Nils Melzer, UN special rapporteur on torture,...

Court to Assange: Will You Surrender to US?

WikiLeakers founder says he'll fight extradition, and it could take months to iron out

(Newser) - Julian Assange learned Wednesday he'll have to spend nearly a year in jail in the UK for skipping out on bail seven years ago. On Thursday, he told a court that he won't go along willingly with something that could lead to a more severe punishment: extradition to...

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