Daily Kos

10 Stories

Daily Kos Hatches Scheme: Get Dems to Vote Santorum!

Liberal blog plans 'Operation Hilarity' to give Romney a headache

(Newser) - The Daily Kos may be a liberal blog, but it's throwing its support behind Rick Santorum—sort of. In a post yesterday announcing "Operation Hilarity," Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas urged Democrats to take advantage of the upcoming open primaries and caucuses in Michigan, North Dakota, Tennessee,...

Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb
 Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb 

Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb

Daily Kos seeks to send negative stories to top of rankings

(Newser) - Look out, GOP: You're about to get Google-bombed. Liberal activist and Daily Kos honcho Chris Bowers is targeting 98 Republican House candidates in a Google campaign ahead of November's elections. He's urging the blog's readers to find potentially damaging news stories about the candidates and help push them up Google's...

Olbermann Rips Lefty Critics, Leaves Daily Kos

He was accused of criticizing Obama to boost ratings

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann is apparently done writing a diary for lefty site Daily Kos. In an angry post titled "Check, Please," Olbermann lashes back at one critic on the site in particular who accused him of criticizing President Obama's oil speech to boost ratings. He says "there's been...

39% of Republicans Want Obama Impeached

And 36% believe he's foreign-born, says Daily Kos poll

(Newser) - Self-identified Republicans are more than unhappy with President Obama—63% think he’s a socialist—and a host of other social ills, says a survey commissioned by liberal blog Daily Kos . Regarding Obama, 39% of the 2,003 Republican respondents say the president should be impeached, 36% believe he was...

This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats
This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats

This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats

Almost half say they won't vote next year; but 8 in 10 GOPers will

(Newser) - The enthusiasm gap between angry Republicans and blasé Democrats is ridiculously wide, according to a new poll that ought to scare the bejeezus out of those who color themselves blue. Conducted by the non-partisan firm Research 2000 for the decidedly partisan Daily Kos, the poll asked respondents how likely they...

Dems Who Dissed Health Bill Feel Their Party's Wrath
Dems Who Dissed Health Bill Feel Their Party's Wrath

Dems Who Dissed Health Bill Feel Their Party's Wrath

39 House Democrats voted against it

(Newser) - They can't win. The 39 House Democrats who voted against the health care bill may have thought the move would win them the favor of their often Republican-heavy districts; instead they're fending off attacks from constituents and interest groups from the left, Politico reports. In Florida, about 60 people protested...

Sources: Palin Done With Politics

(Newser) - Sources close to Sarah Palin say the Alaska governor intends to leave politics entirely—and not focus on a 2012 presidential bid—when her resignation becomes official later this month, Andrea Mitchell reported today on MSNBC. The Republican, under fire at home over ethics complaints and from various media outlets...

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP
'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

Bloggers hope to catch GOP up to Democrats on harnessing the internet

(Newser) - The election of Barack Obama has energized conservative bloggers, who see a spell in opposition as an opportunity ideal for reshaping the party, writes Walter Alarkon for the Hill. Conservatives in the “rightosphere” are eying the progress the left’s “netroots” made during the Bush years, when sites...

Dem Feud Sparks Split at Liberal Blogs

Ex-allies MyDD and Daily Kos battle over Hillary Clinton

(Newser) - The Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama rift has divided a once-unified world of liberal bloggers, The New Republic reports. MyDD founder Jerome Armstrong shocked Cyber-lefties 4 months ago by backing Clinton, calling her the "practical choice." Obama fans quickly rallied at Daily Kos, one blasting MyDD as "a toxic...

YearlyKos Gets Ready for Its Closeup

With big day tomorrow, Bloggers ponder their clout with Dems

(Newser) - Bloggers contemplating the off-again, on-again appearance of Hillary Clinton at tomorrow's YearlyKos convention can't quite get over how much more respect—would fear be an exaggeration?—they're inspiring in Democrats this year, compared to the last go-round. Joe Gandelman at the Moderate Voice asks whether it means the Democratic center...

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