The Casey Anthony jury foreman sheds more light on why she was found not guilty of killing her toddler daughter: The jury was suspicious of Anthony's father, George. The anonymous foreman, who says he's been trained to read people for his job, says he didn't believe defense allegations that George molested Casey. However, George "had a very selective memory for me, and that in itself was something I always kept in the back of my mind."
Other jurors felt similarly, he tells Fox News: “There was a suspicion of him, that was a part of our conversation that we had," he says. The many gray areas in the case didn't help; the foreman says the jury needed more information about the date Caylee disappeared, the date she was found, and the supposed decomposition smell in Casey's car. Another concern for jurors: Not having an official cause of death. Click for the latest on Anthony. (More George Anthony stories.)