Early winter storms are sweeping across the Midwest, but that didn't stop Martin O'Malley from making a scheduled campaign stop in Tama, Iowa, on Monday, UPI reports. It also didn't deter a bearded constituent IDed simply as Kenneth from donning his cap and braving the elements to meet O'Malley at his last event of the night—and Kenneth was the only one to show up, per Politico. "We actually had a whopping total of one person ... but by God, he was glad to see me," O'Malley said on MSNBC's Morning Joe show Tuesday morning. "So we spent the time with him."
An ABC News reporter captured the meeting between the two in a photo, which she tweeted out Monday night. But despite their intimate conversation, O'Malley told MSNBC that Kenneth wasn't quite ready yet to commit to caucus for him and that while he was "working on" Kenneth, he got the sense that Iowans "want to see the whole campaign play out" before picking who they'd go to bat for. (More Martin O'Malley stories.)