When Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, President Trump struck a respectful tone, saying he found her "very credible." That tone went out the window at a rally in Mississippi on Tuesday night, where the president mocked Ford's testimony in front of a cheering crowd, NBC reports. The audience in Southaven laughed as Trump mimicked Ford answering questions on her alleged sexual assault. "I had one beer!" he said. "How did you get home?" he continued. "'I don’t remember.' How did you get there? 'I don’t remember.' Where is the place? 'I don’t remember.’ How many years ago was it? ‘I don’t know.' What neighborhood was it? 'I don’t know.' Where’s the house? 'I don’t know.'"
Trump went on to hint that Ford was part of a partisan conspiracy to destroy Brett Kavanaugh, saying the Supreme Court nominee's life was in "tatters," the Guardian reports. "They destroy people, these are really evil people," he said. After the rally, Michael Bromwich, an attorney for Ford, slammed Trump's "vicious, vile, and soulless attack," the Washington Post reports. "Is it any wonder that she was terrified to come forward, and that other sexual assault survivors are as well?" he tweeted. "She is a remarkable profile in courage. He is a profile in cowardice." (Earlier Tuesday, Trump said this is a "very scary time for young men in America.")