Internet security

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China Denies Hacking Pentagon
China Denies Hacking Pentagon

China Denies Hacking Pentagon

Part of network came offline for a week

(Newser) - The Chinese military hacked the Pentagon's computer system in June, bringing part of it down for over a week, the Financial Times reports, but Beijing calls the accusation "groundless." The apparently successful hack raises serious worries about the safety of the network because it shows China has "...

China Unleashes Web Cops
China Unleashes Web Cops

China Unleashes Web Cops

Cute caricatures will pop up, steer users clear of risqué content

(Newser) - Beijing police have an answer for Internet users who might be tempted to gamble or watch the Paris Hilton sex video: an animated officer who moves across your screen in a virtual car, motorcycle or on foot while admonishing you to steer clear of illegal content. The cartoon alerts will...

iPhone Security Flaw Exposed
iPhone Security Flaw Exposed

iPhone Security Flaw Exposed

Vulnerability could make must-have gadget a target for hackers

(Newser) - A software vulnerability in the iPhone could allow hackers to commandeer the device and steal personal information, such as text messages and contacts, or even dial expensive calls, the New York Times reports. The hack works through either a WiFi connection or by steering users to a site containing malicious...

Google Amps Up Privacy Protections
Google Amps Up Privacy Protections

Google Amps Up Privacy Protections

Search engine vows to 'radically redesign' security features

(Newser) - Google promised to step up its privacy protection yesterday, after European officials rebuked the search giant for storing data that could reveal political opinions, religious beliefs, and sexual preferences. Google will limit the amount of time it retains user data to 18 months and will "radically design" its cookie...

Spam King Arrest Won't Stem Junk Mail Tide

Clients will just switch to new spammers, says Andy Greenberg. The solution: make it expensive

(Newser) - The vaunted arrest earlier this week of Robert Soloway, the "Spam King" from Seattle, won't do as much to stem the flood of  junk email as the feds want to think it will, says Andy Greenberg in Forbes. The clients who paid to use his 'zombie" computers to forward...

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