Michael Brown

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Teacher Suspended Over Ferguson Shooting 'Skit'

Unknown teacher first had students research Michael Brown shooting

(Newser) - An Alabama teacher has been suspended without pay after a lesson this week that had parents fuming. An unidentified female teacher at Selma's Brantley Elementary was discussing current affairs with her sixth-grade class when a student brought up the Michael Brown shooting, the superintendent tells the Selma-Times Journal . That'...

Ferguson Cop Manages to Lie Low Amid Furor

Conflicting reports emerge about Darren Wilson's injuries

(Newser) - The police officer in Ferguson, Mo., who shot Michael Brown has gone underground, in a big, big way. The media usually dig up information on major news figures via social media, or family and friends—but any social media accounts Darren Wilson had were scrapped before the police divulged his...

Obama's Ferguson Critics Are Off Base

Criticism that he's too wishy-washy about shooting is misguided: pundits

(Newser) - In the wake of the Michael Brown shooting , President Obama has taken flak for not speaking more forcefully—or more personally—about it. (Eric Holder, for instance, has recounted his own troubles with police as a black man in America.) Well, the president's critics are wrong, writes Charles...

Holder: I'm Attorney General, 'But I Am Also a Black Man'

In Ferguson, he says we need 'concrete action' on race, not just talk

(Newser) - In his visit to Ferguson, Mo., yesterday, Eric Holder told residents that he understands their frustration about police. "I am the attorney general of the United States," he said. "But I am also a black man,” Holder recounted being stopped by police on a Washington street...

Cop Who Pointed Gun at Protesters Is Suspended

Officer in Ferguson also threatened to kill one of them

(Newser) - Officials say a police officer who was part of the effort to keep peace during protests in Ferguson, Mo., has been suspended indefinitely for pointing a semi-automatic assault rifle at demonstrators, then cursing and threatening to kill one of them. A St. Louis County police spokesman says the incident involving...

Think Tank Sorry for Telling Amnesty to 'Suck It'

CSIS apologizes, says intern thought he was using personal account

(Newser) - An intern at a Washington, DC, think tank was just supposed to monitor its Twitter account, not tell Amnesty International to "suck it." The human rights organization was making a point about the uproar in Ferguson, Mo., over the shooting death of Michael Brown, tweeting yesterday: "US...

Ferguson&#39;s New Plan: Police Cameras
Ferguson's New Plan:
Police Cameras

Ferguson's New Plan: Police Cameras

City calmer ahead of Holder visit

(Newser) - Ahead of a visit from Attorney General Eric Holder today, officials in Ferguson, Missouri, say they want to make big changes to law enforcement and end the "discord and heartbreak" that has followed the police shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. A statement released by city leaders says it...

St. Louis Cop Kills Knife-Wielding Man
St. Louis Cops Kill
Knife-Wielding Man

St. Louis Cops Kill Knife-Wielding Man

Shooting occurs a few miles from Ferguson

(Newser) - Exactly what authorities looking to calm tensions in Ferguson, Mo., didn't want to happen: Two St. Louis police officers shot and killed a man wielding a knife this afternoon, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch . City police chief Sam Dotson said the man took energy drinks and pastries from a...

An Open Letter From Trayvon's Mom to the Browns

Sybrina Fulton sees hope in fight against violence

(Newser) - Trayvon Martin 's mother is sending words of support to the family of Michael Brown in an open letter. "I wish that all of the pain that I have endured could possibly ease some of yours, but it won’t," Sybrina Fulton writes in Time . "...

Holocaust Survivor Arrested in Ferguson Protest

Tear gas fired, 2 shot in another night of violence

(Newser) - No peace in weary Ferguson: At least two people were shot and 31 arrested during late-night protests, according to police, who say no officers were involved in the shootings and some of those arrested came from as far away as New York and California. Missouri Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson...

Autopsy: Michael Brown Was Shot 6 Times

Pathologist says teen shot in head; mom calls for officer's arrest

(Newser) - The results of a private autopsy on Michael Brown may escalate tensions in Ferguson, Missouri, even further: The examiner says the unarmed teenager was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, and all the bullets came from the front, reports the New York Times . Pathologist Michael Baden,...

Missouri Deploys National Guard to Ferguson

Governor says Guard will 'restore peace and order'

(Newser) - Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon ordered the National Guard to Ferguson early today, hours after another violent night. The National Guard will help "in restoring peace and order" to the St. Louis suburb that has been rocked by angry protests since the fatal police shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown,...

KKK Raising Funds for Ferguson Cop
KKK Raising Funds
for Ferguson Cop

KKK Raising Funds for Ferguson Cop

South-Carolina based group says 'most cops are cowards'

(Newser) - As Ferguson, Mo., recovers from another night of violence , a new voice has entered the debate over Michael Brown's shooting: the KKK's. The New Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan says its chapter in Missouri is gathering funds to support Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Brown...

Feds Order 2nd Autopsy for Michael Brown

Federal ME will step in due to 'extraordinary circumstances'

(Newser) - Eric Holder today ordered a second autopsy for Michael Brown, reports CBS , this time to be performed by a federal official. "Due to the extraordinary circumstances involved in this case and at the request of the Brown family, Attorney General Holder has instructed Justice Department officials to arrange for...

1 Shot as Ferguson Protesters Defy Curfew

Police use smoke, tear gas; arrest 7

(Newser) - One person is in critical condition after having been shot overnight in Ferguson as protesters defied a midnight-to-5am curfew , reports the New York Times . Police, who are still seeking the shooter, used smoke and tear gas in the renewed unrest that came less than half an hour after the curfew...

State of Emergency, Curfew Declared in Ferguson

Jay Nixon institutes measures after more riots related to Michael Brown

(Newser) - Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency today and imposed a curfew in the St. Louis suburb where a black teenager was shot to death by a white police officer a week ago. Nixon said that though many protesters were making themselves heard peacefully, the state would not...

Ferguson Protests Turn Violent Again

Looters hit store at center of controversy

(Newser) - Protests in Ferguson, Mo., turned violent again last night after Thursday's relative calm . The shift happened about midnight, when protesters stormed into the convenience store that Michael Brown—the teen whose fatal shooting at the hands of police has set off the unrest—was accused of robbing . Some in...

Ferguson Police Release 'Robbery' Video

But say shooting of Michael Brown was unrelated

(Newser) - Police in Ferguson, Mo., today released a video of Michael Brown allegedly robbing a convenience store on the day an officer shot him dead. But Police Chief Thomas Jackson said that officer Darren Wilson—who was responding to the convenience-store robbery —made "initial contact" with Brown apart from...

Time to Stop Turning Police Forces Into Armies

Pentagon, Homeland Security have militarized departments: columnists

(Newser) - Critics such as Sen. Claire McCaskill say the initial police response in Ferguson, Mo., actually made things worse because cops were equipped like soldiers of war. No wonder, write Elizabeth Beavers and Michael Shank in the New York Times . The Pentagon and Homeland Security Department are keeping police forces across...

Ferguson Police ID Officer, Say Teen Robbed Store

Cops say Michael Brown took cigars, pushed store clerk

(Newser) - Big new developments today in the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Mo.: Authorities identified the officer who shot the 18-year-old to death, and they said Brown was suspected of robbing a store and roughing up a clerk shortly before the shooting, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch . Police Chief Thomas Jackson...

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