
3 Stories

Nearly Half of Employers Screen Social Media Profiles

HR departments use Facebook, MySpace as source of information on candidates

(Newser) - It’s becoming increasingly likely that a prospective employer will check your Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn profile, Mashable reports. A recent survey found that 45% of human-resource departments search the social-media profiles of prospective employees, with another 11% planning to institutionalize a social-networking screen in the near future. And recruiters...

Army Sets Out to Stop Recruiter Suicides

(Newser) - The US Army is setting up a board to prevent suicides of Houston, Texas-based recruiters after the fourth suicide in 3 years, CNN reports. The board will examine the pressure they face at work and the post-traumatic effects of combat. "The suicides in the Houston battalion are a very...

Recruiters Pick Top 10 Biz Schools
Pick Top 10
Biz Schools

Recruiters Pick Top 10 Biz Schools

WSJ 's annual rankings come up with some surprising choices

(Newser) - Ivy Leaguers and Mormons round out this year's eclectic list of top MBA programs.  To come up with the rankings WSJ and Harris Interactive asked 4,430 recruiters to rank M.B.A. programs on 21 attributes, including leadership potential, and communication skills.  National Rankings:
  1. Dartmouth College (Tuck)

3 Stories