Goldman Sachs

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Goldman Mortgage Class-Action Suit Revived

Ruling a victory for investors who say they were misled

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs won't be charged for its role in the financial crisis , but it still faces plenty of lawsuits from clients it's accused of criminally misleading —and the list just got longer. A federal appeals court has decided to revive a class-action suit over mortgage-backed securities, and...

Goldman Won't Be Charged Over Financial Crisis

Not enough evidence to pursue fraud cases, feds decide

(Newser) - Looks like Goldman Sachs is off the hook for its role in the financial crisis. The Justice Department and Securities Exchange Commission have ended two investigations into the bank's role in the crisis, concluding that "there is not a viable basis to bring a criminal prosecution with respect...

Big Banks Slashing More Jobs
 Big Banks Slashing More Jobs 

Big Banks Slashing More Jobs

Bank of America, Credit Suisse announce new cost cuts

(Newser) - Even bankers aren't safe in the current job market, with Bank of America and Credit Suisse Group both announcing new cost cutting initiatives yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reports. Bank of America, which was already aggressively cutting jobs , said it wanted to cut another $3 billion from its investment...

Goldman's New Gig: Actually (Gasp) Lending Money

After punishing quarter, Goldman to lend more to wealthy

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs is expanding into a new business frontier: traditional banking. Goldman is building an in-house private bank that will lend out money to rich people and corporations, the Wall Street Journal reports, with plans to jack its private loan business from $12 billion to $100 billion. Part of the...

Ex-Goldman Honcho Guilty of Fraud

Rajat Gupta convicted in insider trading scandal

(Newser) - A former Goldman Sachs director accused of feeding confidential information to a corrupt hedge fund manager has been convicted of conspiracy and three counts of securities fraud. A jury acquitted Rajat Gupta on two other securities fraud counts. Gupta's adult daughters hugged and wept as the verdict was read;...

Why Obama Won't Nail Wall Street 'Crooks'

Even Eric Holder is linked to elite financial world

(Newser) - With President Obama's campaign officially underway , two journalists examine why his promise to end "business as usual" on Wall Street has amounted to more, well, business as usual on Wall Street. "Casting Romney as a plutocrat will be easy enough," write Peter Boyer and Peter Schweizer...

Goldman 'Traitor' Scores $1.5M for Tell-All

Ex-Sachs exec Greg Smith to make big bucks on memoir

(Newser) - It looks like the Goldman Sachs exec who ripped the company in a New York Times editorial when he quit isn't going to suffer too badly for his angry farewell notice. Hachette's Grand Central imprint is paying Greg Smith $1.5 million for the worldwide rights to a...

Goldman Scours Emails for 'Muppet' References

Lloyd Blankfein struggles to control Greg Smith fallout

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs is searching its internal email system for any use of the term “muppet,” as it struggles to spin a scathing op-ed piece from departing executive Greg Smith. In a conference call with Goldman partners last week, CEO Lloyd Blankfein assured them that they'd root out...

Goldman Traitor Greg Smith: Hero or Weasel?
Goldman Traitor Greg Smith: Hero or Weasel?
Felix Salmon

Goldman Traitor Greg Smith: Hero or Weasel?

Felix Salmon thinks Smith seems a bit too naive to believe

(Newser) - Former Goldman Sachs executive Greg Smith certainly made a splash with his hit piece on his former employers, but Felix Salmon of Reuters is a wee bit suspicious of his motives. Yes, his points are valid; Goldman surely is bilking customers. But "it's much easier to see the...

Goldman Shares Dive After Exec's Attack

Scathing op-ed costs shareholders $2.2B

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs shareholders had a bad day yesterday thanks to departing exec Greg Smith, who slammed the firm's " toxic and destructive " culture in a New York Times op-ed . The investment bank's shares dived 3.4% in trading yesterday, wiping $2.2 billion off its market value—...

Quitting Exec Rips Goldman Sachs for Screwing Clients

Ex-executive director Greg Smith has choice words for Blankfein's Goldman

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs executive director Greg Smith resigns today, and he's not going quietly. In a scorching New York Times op-ed, Smith says that after almost 12 years at Goldman, "the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it." Goldman's culture once...

Moody's Slaps Wall Street's Big Banks With Review

Along with most of Europe's banks

(Newser) - Moody's isn't feeling great about the health of the financial industry right now. The rating agency put a host of banks under review for possible downgrade today, including US giants Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Morgan Stanley, the Wall Street Journal reports. It said the...

Goldman's Golden Analyst Under Investigation

Henry King may have leaked inside info to hedge funds

(Newser) - Federal investigators have set their sights on famed Goldman Sachs tech analyst Henry King in a broadening insider trading probe. The Feds suspect King, who is known for his spot-on calls, may be leaking inside information from Taiwanese electronic parts manufacturers to US investors, sources tell the Wall Street Journal...

Students Revolt Against Big Bank Recruiting

Protests spread across Ivy League campuses

(Newser) - Half of those surveyed in Harvard's class of 2010 went into finance or consulting; at the University of Pennsylvania, the figure was even higher—and some students are fed up with the "brain drain." Inspired in part by the Occupy movement, students have launched protests against recruiting...

SEC Letting Big Banks Skirt Fraud Penalties
SEC Letting Big Banks
Skirt Fraud Penalties
NYT analysis

SEC Letting Big Banks Skirt Fraud Penalties

'New York Times' analysis finds 350 instances of banks getting free passes

(Newser) - The Securities and Exchange Commission has repeatedly allowed Wall Street's biggest banks to avoid penalties specifically intended to punish and deter fraud, a New York Times analysis of SEC records reveals. Over the past decade, the SEC has on almost 350 occasions granted waivers exempting big financial companies from...

Facebook Could File IPO Papers Next Week: Insiders

Sources say Morgan Stanley is close to landing the deal

(Newser) - Sources tell the Wall Street Journal that Facebook could file papers for its IPO as early as Wednesday, and that Morgan Stanley will likely be chosen as the lead underwriter. The company is looking at a valuation between $75 billion and $100 billion; people have said earlier that the IPO...

Mitt Romney's Biggest Donors? Bain Capital

Bain-related donors have given more than $2.7M over the years

(Newser) - When Mitt Romney ran Bain Capital, his leadership made billions of dollars for the investment firm. And Bain Capital's associates have supported Romney's political ambitions in turn, giving nearly $3 million to his state and national campaigns—a sum that easily makes them Romney's largest group of...

Blankfein: Romney's Gonna Win

Goldman Sachs CEO predicts Republican nominee

(Newser) - Prophecy, or wishful thinking? The CEO of Goldman Sachs is apparently predicting Mitt Romney will win the Republican nomination and be well positioned to take the presidency, the New York Post reports. Lloyd Blankfein's forecast measures on the Who-Cares-Meter because Goldman Sachs successfully bet against subprime-mortgage debt (while a...

Occupy Protest Partly Shuts Down Ports

Demonstrations hit California, Oregon, and Washington

(Newser) - Hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters turned out today for a demonstration that succeeded in partially shutting down some of the West Coast's busiest ports. Authorities closed two terminals in Portland after arresting two people with weapons who claimed to be heading for the protest, the AP reports, while...

S&P Downgrades Credit Ratings of Top US Banks

Standard & Poor's applies new criteria to banks around the world

(Newser) - Standard & Poor's is adjusting the ratings on 37 of the world's largest financial institutions, and that means downgrades for the biggest banks in the US. Bank of America and its main subsidiaries were among those cut at least one notch today, along with Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan...

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