communal dining

2 Stories

Chefs Going Underground to Test Limits

Covert, communal dining catching on, to health officials' chagrin

(Newser) - Across the country, stealthy foodies are dropping coin and risking, if not imprisonment, then a strong reprimand, to dine at so-called “underground restaurants,” the New York Times reports. Intrepid chefs are experimenting with creative recipes in communal settings, skipping from apartment to apartment, often just steps ahead of...

Dining by the Dozen
Dining by the Dozen

Dining by the Dozen

Restaurants with communal tables offer a great way to meet new people

(Newser) - Care for a cozy table for a 10 or more? More restaurants are embracing the idea of communal dining, in which strangers sit down to eat together at a big table. Dana Cowin of Food & Wine magazine tells USA Today her favorite spots:
  1. Cibo, Austin, Texas
  2. Resto, New York

2 Stories