medical marijuana

Stories 201 - 216 | << Prev 

Calif. County Cracks Down on Lax Pot Law

'Emerald Triangle' residents have their 25-plant limit cut to 6

(Newser) - Voters in a northern California county have backed a measure tightening one of America's loosest pot laws, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. State law allows Californians to grow six marijuana plants each for medicinal use, but Mendocino County allowed its residents 25 plants each for any use. The county's residents...

Indoor Pot Farms Sow Calif. Discord
Indoor Pot Farms Sow
Calif. Discord

Indoor Pot Farms Sow Calif. Discord

Boom in grow houses eating up affordable housing stock

(Newser) - Indoor pot farms are sprouting up around California and causing some bad vibes in the Golden State, the Los Angeles Times reports. In one northwest community, authorities estimate that 1,000 of 7,500 homes are devoted to cultivating marijuana, cutting into the housing supply and raising safety concerns. Many...

Battle Brews Over Medical Marijuana, Organ Transplants

Seattle man dies awaiting donor liver

(Newser) - Potential organ recipients who are using medically prescribed marijuana are being removed from transplant waiting lists, raising serious questions about transplant programs' screening processes, reports the LA Times. A Seattle man died last month after being denied a donor liver, and a critically ill man in Washington state has been...

Take a Toke of 'Tom Cruise'

Star in a purple haze over eponymous medical marijuana brand

(Newser) - Wonder what it's like to be as high—on life and on couch cushions—as Tom Cruise? Head west, where licensed California medical-marijuana dealers are hawking a bud called "Tom Cruise Purple." The vials reportedly feature the actor's maniacally laughing mug—and aficionados  say it'll have you hallucinating...

Mass. Rep Vows to Legalize Pot
 Mass. Rep Vows to Legalize Pot 

Mass. Rep Vows to Legalize Pot

Barney Frank says public is ready for change

(Newser) - Rep. Barney Frank will move to legalize “small amounts” of marijuana, Politico reports, citing Americans who think use of the drug is no big deal. “It's time for the politicians to catch up to the public,” said the Massachusetts Democrat on "Real Time with Bill Maher....

New 'University' Goes to Pot
New 'University' Goes to Pot

New 'University' Goes to Pot

Oaksterdam U. preps students for the medical marijuana industry

(Newser) - It's sort of a slacker's med school: An Oakland activist started Oaksterdam University to train students to work in the medical marijuana industry, reports NPR. Oaksterdam offers a single $75 course, which teaches students about pot's political and legal history as well as the botany of the much-loved herb. "...

Major US Doctors' Group Backs Medical Marijuana

Medical association calls for law change to reclassify pot

(Newser) - The second-largest physicians' organization in the nation is taking a stand supporting medical marijuana, declaring that science has proven the drug has therapeutic value. The American College of Physicians is asking federal lawmakers to drop marijuana from a category of drugs considered to have no medicinal value, the Los Angeles ...

Only in LA: Pot Vending Machines
Only in LA: Pot Vending Machines

Only in LA: Pot Vending Machines

Machine provides 'lower prices, safety, anonymity,' says inventor

(Newser) - Always on the leading edge, LA is now the first city to have 24-hour medical marijuana vending machines. The bulky black boxes scan patrons' fingerprints and a prepaid card, dispensing neat green envelopes of pot. The machines provide "convenient access, lower prices, safety, anonymity," the inventor tells the...

Dutch Pharma Firm Preps Pot Pill
Dutch Pharma Firm Preps
Pot Pill

Dutch Pharma Firm Preps Pot Pill

Drug may hit shelves in 5 years for migraine, Parkinson's victims

(Newser) - Why smoke pot when you can pop a pill? Echo Pharmaceuticals is jumping into Phase II trials for a new cannabis pill that could snag 20%-30% of the booming medical marijuana market, Reuters reports. The Dutch firm plans to sell the pill within 5 years, giving medical marijuana users a...

War Hero Wants His Pot Back
War Hero Wants His Pot Back

War Hero Wants His Pot Back

Prosecutor says soldier is licensed grower

(Newser) - A former Marine arrested for growing marijuana plants turns out to be a wounded Gulf War hero—and a licensed grower of pot for medicinal purposes. The 39-year-old former lieutenant corporal is insisting Denver area police return his plants, worth more than $100,000. Kevin Dickes uses marijuana to control...

Feds Totally Uncool With Pot-Laced Candy Factory

Raids medical-marijuana supplier Tainted Inc.

(Newser) - Feds yesterday kicked in the doors of a factory producing marijuana-laced candy, snacks, and drinks for the medical marijuana market, the AP reports. Three were arrested, but the company’s founder is still on the lam. Authorities fear Tainted Inc. is one of many large-scale marijuana-lacing operations capitalizing on legalized...

City OKs Day of Public Toking
City OKs Day of Public Toking

City OKs Day of Public Toking

Ban on smoking in Santa Cruz parks lifted for medical-marijuana fest

(Newser) - Two kinds of "green laws" collided in Santa Cruz, Calif., when a local group that distributes free medical marijuana came up against a smoking ban in the park where the group holds its annual festival. The city council reached a healthy compromise, providing attendees in need of self-medication with...

Feds Crack Down on California Pot Operations

Raids stepped up on medicinal marijuana dispensaries considered legal by the state

(Newser) - The federal Drug Enforcement Agency is stepping up raids on California's medicinal marijuana distributors, confiscating drugs and arresting vendors at ten Los Angeles operations last month alone, Reuters reports. California legalized medicinal marijuana use more than ten years ago, but possession of the drug violates federal law. Federal officials argue...

Farmers Fight to Legalize Pot's Cousin

Growing hemp won't harm drug war, say strapped ND growers

(Newser) - The push to legalize hemp—marijuana’s less potent cousin—has some unlikely supporters: North Dakota farmers who couldn't be more conservative in every other respect, the New York Times reports. Hemp, used in clothing, lotions and even snack bars, has become especially attractive to North Dakota because of a...

West Coast Breeds Weed Snobs, Too
West Coast Breeds Weed Snobs, Too

West Coast Breeds Weed Snobs, Too

Cannibus connoisseurs take their place next to finicky wine lovers

(Newser) - Cannabis is accruing its own class of sophistocates, particularly in California, where medical legalization and lax enforcement have made connoisseurship marginally acceptable. Advanced palates judge their weed on taste, smell and quality of high, reports the Chronicle—a far cry from the 70s, when users joked that there "were...

Richardson Backs Medical Marijuana Law

Presidential contender downplays political costs

(Newser) - New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, who's been pushing for a law to legalize marijuana for medical use since he took office in 2002, will finally get a chance sign one. And he's not going to sweat the political consequences, he says. The bill that passed the New Mexico legislature Wednesday,...

Stories 201 - 216 | << Prev