Christianity Today

4 Stories

Trump Doesn't Take Kindly to Christianity Today Editorial

It calls for his removal from office

(Newser) - The "far-left" evangelicals are out to get Trump. That's from the president himself, who didn't take kindly to an editorial this week by Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of leading evangelical magazine Christianity Today . In it, Galli calls Trump a "leader of grossly immoral character" who should be...

Evangelical Magazine Denounces 'Grossly Immoral' Trump

Christianity Today says he should be removed from office

(Newser) - In a troubling sign for President Trump, leading evangelical magazine Christianity Today denounced him as a "leader of grossly immoral character" Thursday and called for him to be removed from office. Impeachment appears to have been the final straw for editor-in-chief Mark Galli, who writes that although the process...

'Geeky Hip' New Billy Graham Grabs Next Generation

Masses won over by Bell's 'Letterman' style

(Newser) - Bible-thumper Rob Bell wears geeky-hip glasses, once aspired to be David Letterman, and was momentarily poised for rock stardom, reports Time magazine. And he may be "one of the most important 21st Century Christian leaders," according to one biblical scholar. Nine years ago, Bell founded a nontraditional church...

Evangelicals Seen to Be Softening on Divorce

Christianity Today rethinks issue, stirs pot

(Newser) - A Christianity Today article that reinterprets Jesus Christ’s stance against divorce has sparked anger among evangelicals, Time reports, while also revealing diminished opposition to breaking the marital sacrament. The piece argues that, in a key scripture passage, Jesus might have been giving his opinion on a certain kind of...

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