Golden Compass

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Golden Compass Hard to Follow
Golden Compass Hard to Follow

Golden Compass Hard to Follow

Movie has great special effects but little soul, critics say

(Newser) - Critics are mixed on The Golden Compass, praising the controversial film's special effects but complaining about a lack of engaging storytelling. "The film is dominated by computer-generated effects and they're most of its problem— they don't give us anything to emotionally attach to or invest in," wrote Paula...

Compass Film Strips Book's Anti-God Moral

Author Pullman's stab at organized religion gets mass-appeal makeover

(Newser) - When the film version of hit children’s book The Golden Compass hits theaters this month, its atheist message will be thoroughly scrubbed—but the author is mainly holding his tongue. Philip Pullman says New Line would have scored a bigger hit by preserving God and clergy as villains, but...

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