Gordon Brown

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Bruno Naked on Mag, Again. This Time With Dudes

Admits his love for 'gay icon' Simon Cowell

(Newser) - Sacha Baron Cohen is baring it all, again—as Bruno, of course. Cohen, playing his gay fashionista character, is nude on the cover of UK gay mag Attitude. The Sun and the Mirror have tidbits from the interview:
  • His favorite gay icons? Sisters Kylie and Dannii Minogue…and Simon Cowell.

UK Kicks Out Iranian Diplomats
 UK Kicks Out Iranian Diplomats 

UK Kicks Out Iranian Diplomats

(Newser) - The UK will expel two Iranian diplomats, in retaliation for Tehran’s own banishment of two British diplomats yesterday, the BBC reports. Gordon Brown said that he was “disappointed that Iran has placed us in this position.” He defended the UK diplomats, saying the accusation that they were...

Bruised Brown Talks of Fleeing Downing Street

British PM 'hurt' by personal attacks lobbed by fellow Labourites

(Newser) - After surviving a coup by members of his own party earlier this month, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown admitted he was “hurt” by their personal attacks and said he could “walk away from all this tomorrow.” “I’m not interested in what accompanies being in power,...

Gordon Brown Is Gay: Bruno
 Gordon Brown 
 Is Gay: Bruno 

Gordon Brown Is Gay: Bruno

Actor continues naughty antics at UK premiere

(Newser) - Bruno, Sacha Baron Cohen’s gay fashionista alter ego, continued his string of outrageous appearances at the London premiere of his film, the Telegraph reports. This time, he had some advice for Prime Minister Gordon Brown: “The guy needs a total makeover. He needs a fake tan, he needs...

Sarko Uses Footstool to Measure Up to Obama

5'5" French president shorter than Napoleon

(Newser) - At 5 feet 5 inches, Nicolas Sarkozy seems to feel a bit stature-challenged—so at the recent D-Day tribute, he used a 6-inch footstool, in addition to his elevator shoes, to hold his own against Barack Obama and Gordon Brown, the Daily Mail reports. Sarko “knew he was appearing...

Brown Survives Party Revolt
 Brown Survives Party Revolt 

Brown Survives Party Revolt

(Newser) - British PM Gordon Brown survived a rowdy party meeting today despite Labour’s dismal election results and a backbencher uprising, the Guardian reports. 16 Labour parliamentarians spoke in defense of Brown and five called for his resignation in the wake of a high-profile financial scandal. “You solve the problem...

Brown's Woes Offers Obama Reality Check
Brown's Woes Offers Obama Reality Check

Brown's Woes Offers Obama Reality Check

Voters don't reward economic competence after crisis: Krugman

(Newser) - The Bush administration has taken much of the blame for the American recession, but a "huge housing bubble and a financial crisis" were always on the cards, as Paul Krugman writes for the New York Times. Writing from London, where voters gave Gordon Brown a pummeling in Thursday's elections,...

Brown: 'I Won't Walk Away'
 Brown: 'I Won't Walk Away' 

Brown: 'I Won't Walk Away'

Embattled prime minister refuses to quit as Labour rebellion gathers strength

(Newser) - A defiant Gordon Brown said last night he will not "waver or walk away" from leadership despite a growing mutiny within the Labour Party, the Guardian reports. The British prime minister rejected calls for his resignation and managed to restore a semblance of authority after a day of surprise...

Brown Likely to Hang On to Power
Brown Likely to Hang On to Power

Brown Likely to Hang On to Power

In reshuffle, British PM invites Apprentice host to join government

(Newser) - Gordon Brown looked set to hang on to power this morning, despite the shock resignation of yet another minister who called on him to step down. James Purnell, a young Blairite, quit the Cabinet seconds after polls closed in last night's election, forcing Brown to bring forward a planned government...

27 Nations Vote in Massive EU Election

Across continent, angry voters set to punish ruling parties

(Newser) - Citizens of 27 nations begin voting today for elections to the European Parliament, and across the continent voters are expected to punish ruling parties and encourage the opposition, including the extreme right. From Ireland to France to Hungary, governments are braced for a protest vote spurred by the economic meltdown,...

As 4th Minister Quits, Brown's Outlook Bleak

Blears resigns in potentially fatal blow to PM's authority

(Newser) - With one day to go before clutch British elections, another minister resigned from Gordon Brown's Cabinet today, dealing the beleaguered PM another devastating blow. Hazel Blears, an arch-Blairite who was exposed for avoiding $21,000 in capital gains tax, refused to praise Brown in her resignation statement. She is the...

UK Home Secretary to Resign Amidst Expense Scandal

(Newser) - UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith will resign her post, the Times of London reports, in an effort to hang onto her seat in parliament despite the expense scandal swirling around her. Smith has been badly embarrassed by revelations that she had charged taxpayers for her family home, several digital cameras,...

UK Expenses Scandal Hits Alistair Darling

Govt's No. 2 claimed 2 houses at same time, may be demoted

(Newser) - Britain's ongoing political expenses scandal reached all the way to the second-highest post in government today, after the Telegraph broke news that Chancellor Alistair Darling reportedly expensed the service charge on a South London apartment he was renting out while also claiming allowances on his Downing Street house. Though he...

Only Trade Can Rescue World Economy: Brown
Only Trade Can Rescue World Economy: Brown

Only Trade Can Rescue World Economy: Brown

'A banking crisis has become a trade crisis,' writes British PM

(Newser) - The banking crisis has stabilized, according to Gordon Brown, but a new calamity has replaced it: "a trade crisis" that is killing jobs in industrialized nations and exacerbating poverty in developing ones. Globalization has compounded the downturn, but it can also accelerate the pickup, the British PM writes in...

UN Scrambles to Meet as World Slams N. Korea

US, Japan want to act, but China may block tough action

(Newser) - North Korea's surprise nuclear test this morning drew protests in the South and threats from world governments to punish the regime with further sanctions. Barack Obama and Gordon Brown both condemned the blasts, and France said it would discuss "strengthening sanctions" at today's emergency Security Council meeting. Even China,...

Forget Tea Parties: Irate Brits Talking 'Bout a Revolution

Decades-long tensions come to the fore over latest scandal

(Newser) - Britain’s embattled politicians may have another revolution on their hands, but this time one that’s brewing on their own soil. Citizens are fuming over outrageous personal expenditures—including a miniature “duck house” and the clearing of a moat—by members of Parliament, but tensions have been simmering...

Blair's Path to EU Helm Grows Clearer
Blair's Path
to EU Helm
Grows Clearer

Blair's Path to EU Helm Grows Clearer

If Irish approve Lisbon treaty, ex-PM in line for newly created position

(Newser) - If Ireland votes yes on the Lisbon treaty, officially creating the role of EU president, Tony Blair is looking more and more like the man for the job. Not that the former UK prime minister has publicly expressed any interest—he's remained tactfully silent—but he has pockets of support...

Brown to Purge Cabinet After Expenses Flap

Scandal-hit ministers face axe as PM plans government overhaul

(Newser) - Gordon Brown has been dropping hints of a major reshuffle and possible constitutional reform as the crisis over British MPs' expenses continues. The Telegraph alleged today that two ministers fiddled with the rules to avoid paying capital gains tax after selling their homes. The PM is said to be preparing...

UK Expenses Scandal Claims House Speaker

House of Commons speaker Michael Martin steps down

(Newser) - The ongoing controversy surrounding British MPs' lavish expenses has claimed its biggest victim: the speaker of the House of Commons. Michael Martin, who presides over the country's main legislative body, will announce his resignation today after losing the support of party leaders, including Gordon Brown—not for cheating on his...

Dissolve Parliament Over Expense Flap: UK Opposition

(Newser) - The improper-expenses scandal roiling the British government is so crippling that the entire parliament ought to be dissolved, and an emergency general election held, opposition leader David Cameron said today. The “political system is paralyzed,” said Cameron, who could push for a June vote, the Telegraph reports. “...

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