
Stories 61 - 70 | << Prev 

Web Muckrakers Fight Corruption in China

Freelance journalists hired by citizens stay one step ahead of censors

(Newser) - A new breed of journalist is evolving out of China’s censored media: the web-based hired gun. The Washington Post reports on freelance muckrakers who investigate corruption the mainstream press can't touch and post the results on their sites. They're paid—if meagerly—by the aggrieved parties.

Users Revolt After Digg Censors DVD Hackers

User-generated site pulls code, loses cred, reverses course

(Newser) - Web 2.0 blogs are rushing to declare Digg dead, after a night in which the site's main page was saturated with its own obituaries. The web's most popular user-generated news site prompted a mutiny by removing posts revealing how to crack encrypted DVDs and HDs. Digg said the illegal...

Local TV Pushes Fake Medical News
Local TV Pushes Fake Medical News

Local TV Pushes Fake Medical News

Hospital-produced promos are passed off as news reports by local stations

(Newser) - TV stations across America broadcast fake medical news stories that are really ads produced by providers to tout their new techniques and procedures, according to an investigation by the Columbia Journalism Review. “I kick, scream, and fight, and make them as journalistically ethical as possible," says one reporter....

Newsrooms Pull Cho Video
Newsrooms Pull Cho Video

Newsrooms Pull Cho Video

(Newser) - Fox News vowed to stop playing the disturbed, invective-laden video made by Virginia Tech shooter Seung Cho after a backlash from viewers—especially the victims' families—against its endless airing yesterday. Other networks said they would  “severely limit” the tape.

Gunman Mails Manifesto
Gunman Mails Manifesto

Gunman Mails Manifesto

(Newser) - Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui took a time out from his murder spree to mail a macabre package of videos, photographs and a delusional diatribe to NBC News. The images, posted between the dorm shootings and the carnage at Norris Hall, show him in combat gear, wielding the guns used...

Geffen, Zell Talk Deal For LA Times

Geffen wants it; Zell has $13 billion in debt to pay down

(Newser) - David Geffen wants to get his hands on the LA Times, and he's optimistic that he may yet succeed after talking to Sam Zell, the feisty real estate mogul who bought the Tribune Company Monday. The two discussed both a spin-off and a joint venture partnership, sources close to the...

Tribune Saddled With Daunting Debt
Tribune Saddled With Daunting Debt

Tribune Saddled With Daunting Debt

New owner must repay $12 billion with declining revenues

(Newser) - Sam Zell 's bid for the Tribune Co. beat back his well-heeled rivals, but it saddled an already struggling enterprise with over $12 billion in debt. Now the Wall Street Journal wonders how he expects to pay it back. The likely annual interest fees alone will reach $1 billion, only...

225 Days Later, Blogger Walks
225 Days Later,
Blogger Walks

225 Days Later, Blogger Walks

Joshua Wolf freed after turning over protest video to feds

(Newser) - Joshua Wolf, the blogger who set a record for time served by an American journalist for withholding information, was freed from a federal prison yesterday after 224 days. Wolf was released after he posted footage of a 2005 anarchist protest on his Web site and gave a copy to reporters,...

Old News Rules in New China
Old News Rules in New China    

Old News Rules in New China

Communist propaganda is alive and well in world's fastest-growing economy

(Newser) - Just about the only Western consumer product the Chinese aren't buying these days is news:  they're clinging tenaciously to their stodgy, state-run nighty news program, where not even the hairstyles have changed in decades.

News Wars
News Wars

News Wars

PBS takes on the future of news

(Newser) - From “infosnacking” to “hyperlocal” news, there is a whole new terminology describing the evolution of news, particularly the move to online news.  The PBS show Frontline has developed a four-part series that examines the ‘News Wars’ taking place all around us. 

Stories 61 - 70 | << Prev 
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