
10 Stories

Populist Dutch Lawmaker Guilty of Hate Speech

Geert Wilders convicted for inciting discrimination

(Newser) - A populist and anti-Islam Dutch lawmaker was found guilty Friday of insulting and inciting discrimination against Moroccans, a conviction that Geert Wilders slammed as a "shameful" attack on free speech and an attempt to "neutralize" him. Judge Hendrik Steenhuis said the court wouldn't impose a sentence because...

We Need a Real Populist in Next Election

America's wealth gap has spiraled out of control: David Francis

(Newser) - With the gap between rich and poor Americans exploding—and hardly anyone talking about it—what Washington needs is a “genuine populist,” writes David R. Francis in the Christian Science Monitor . Some quick facts: The wealthiest 1% “took 23.5% of the nation’s income in 2007,...

Top 5 Sarah Palin Myths

 Top 5 
 Sarah Palin 

Top 5 Sarah Palin Myths

No, she's not ruining the GOP, writes Matthew Continetti

(Newser) - How well do you know Sarah Palin ? The former governor of Alaska is more than the caricature dreamed up by Saturday Night Live, argues Matthew Continetti for the Washington Post . "The real Sarah Palin is a complex woman who has risen in no time from obscurity to the...

Wall Street Bonuses Ripe for Tea Party Rage

Big finance could face populist pitchforks

(Newser) - Bailed-out Wall Street execs handing themselves hefty bonuses this month should prepare for outrage not only from Dems inside the Beltway but from tea partiers, who hold their first convention in Nashville next month. The rage that has been focused on big government and health care reform could easily swing...

Palin's a Flip-Flopper on Climate Change
 Palin's a Flip-Flopper 
 on Climate Change 

Palin's a Flip-Flopper on Climate Change

She made sense while governor; now, not so much

(Newser) - Back when Sarah Palin was the governor of Alaska, she was pragmatic and forward-looking on climate change, Eugene Robinson writes, and not the shrill, nonsensical reactionary we now know. She toyed with “carbon-trading markets,” set up a high-level commission on climate change, and acknowledged that the problem affected...

Congress' New Whipping Boy: The Fed

Bernanke & Co. run into populist ire over Wall St bailouts, unemployment

(Newser) - When Fed Chair Ben Bernanke goes before Congress next month seeking a second term, he'll run straight into cantankerous legislators riding a tide of populist rage over the Wall Street bailout and high unemployment. While the Fed acted decisively to bail out the financial markets last year, it's widely viewed...

Populist Rage Fades With Hardee's 'French Dip'
Populist Rage Fades With Hardee's 'French Dip'

Populist Rage Fades With Hardee's 'French Dip'

Ergo, you won't be hearing about 'death panels,' say, 10 minutes from now

(Newser) - How soon America—“a toadying zombie mob with a terrible memory”—forgets, Abe Sauer writes on the Awl. Take the new offering from Hardee’s, “one of the nation’s largest, most popular purveys of food-like substances": the French Dip Thickburger. “What do maids, toast, kisses...

Palin Channels Ahmadinejad
 Palin Channels Ahmadinejad 

Palin Channels Ahmadinejad

Her self-presentation, politics, and biography are like his

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have their differences—but their images, politics, and even life stories show significant overlap, writes Juan Cole for Salon. Both are former governors of “frontier states,” both drum up support through “wounded nationalism,” and both battle foreign influence. “Above all,...

Why Edwards Still Matters
Why Edwards Still Matters

Why Edwards Still Matters

Barring a miracle, he won't be nominated, but could be huge as spoiler

(Newser) - He may have lost Iowa and New Hampshire, but don’t forget about John Edwards just yet, even if he’s not going to win the nomination, writes the Washington Post’s Dan Balz. Trumped by the celebrity and fundraising might of Clinton and Obama, Edwards will likely have to...

Obama Flexes Populist Muscle in Iowa

Illinois senator pursues John Edwards' base

(Newser) - Watch your back, John Edwards: Barack Obama is targeting your Iowa base of working-class voters. Folksy stump speeches have bolstered Edwards in the weeks leading up to Thursday’s caucuses—but now Obama hopes to catch some of that populist wave by shifting away from his mantra of bipartisanship, reports...

10 Stories
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