attack ad

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In Crisis, Ads Are Just Noise
 In Crisis, 
 Ads Are 
 Just Noise 

In Crisis, Ads Are Just Noise

McCain attacks, Obama saturates, and no one cares

(Newser) - With the election weeks away, the airwaves are thick with campaign ads. McCain has gone almost completely negative, while Obama has used his huge war chest to unleash an unprecedented barrage of messages—and none of it matters, strategists tell the Washington Post. “Most people are looking at their...

Hey, GOP: Let's Emulate Obama's Cool
Hey, GOP:
Let's Emulate Obama's Cool

Hey, GOP: Let's Emulate Obama's Cool

Attack ads worked in 2004. That's not where we're at: Frum

(Newser) - David Frum plans to vote for John McCain, but with the economy in ruin, anyone who thinks the GOP can win “by banging on about William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright put it mildly...severely under-estimating the electoral importance of pocketbook issues.” These desperate attacks “are...

McCain to Redouble Attacks
 McCain to Redouble Attacks

McCain to Redouble Attacks

New ad campaign, to debut after debate, will attempt to shift focus from the economy

(Newser) - John McCain’s struggling campaign, hobbled by the economic crisis, will go back on the attack, the Washington Post reports. Insiders said targets would include Obama’s association with convicted developer Tony Rezko. Ads criticizing the Democratic candidate’s record on taxes have already run.

Negative Ads Spread to Drive-Thru, Food Aisle

Tough economy forces brands to take pot shots at competitors

(Newser) - Perhaps inspired by politicians, marketers are stepping up the attacks in campaigns for consumers’ food dollars, the Wall Street Journal reports; complaints of misleading comparison ads are up 50% since last year. Hard times means marketers have to try harder to give consumers “a reason to buy you,”...

McCain Running 'Dishonorable' Campaign: Ad

In face of rising GOP tide, Obama camp sharpening attacks

(Newser) - Barack Obama has launched a new ad accusing John McCain of running a “disgraceful, dishonorable campaign,” part of a wider pushback against Republican attacks, the Washington Post reports. With McCain pulling even in the polls, the campaign held a series of internal strategy meetings, including a rare Sunday...

McCain Doesn't Send Email: So What?
 McCain Doesn't 
 Send Email: 
 So What? 

McCain Doesn't Send Email: So What?

Obama's attacks on Mac ignore injuries that keep him from typing

(Newser) - Barack Obama's attempt to slam John McCain for his lack of email and computer knowledge is ridiculous, Jonah Goldberg writes in the National Review. Not only is McCain unable to type because of war injuries, but his exaggerated ignorance of the Internet pales in comparison to Obama’s inexperience in...

Obama Blasts Mac's 'Phony Outrage' in Lipstick Flap

GOP distracting from issues with 'Swift Boat politics,' Dem charges

(Newser) - Barack Obama fired back today at a McCain campaign ad claiming he smeared Sarah Palin, calling the tactic "phony outrage and Swift Boat politics," the Washington Post reports. Obama used the phrase "lipstick on a pig" to describe John McCain's policies during a campaign stop yesterday, which...

McCain to Air Rebuttal Ad, Could Leak VP Choice Tonight

GOP goal is to distract from Obama speech

(Newser) - John McCain has a top-secret ad scheduled to run during or just after Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in battleground states—and the campaign could leak news of the Republican’s running mate even earlier, Mike Allen writes on Politico. Little is known about the ad, save that McCain will...

McCain Borrows Clinton's '3am' Attack
McCain Borrows Clinton's
'3am' Attack

McCain Borrows Clinton's '3am' Attack

'Hillary's Right,' new ad proclaims

(Newser) - John McCain has resurrected Hillary Clinton’s “3am” attack ad, and will be running a modified version in several battleground states, USA Today reports. The Republican's ad reruns a portion of Clinton’s, along with clips of Clinton attacking Obama’s experience, and ends with the tag, “Hillary’...

Limbaugh: Obama is 'Little Black Man-Child'

Conservative talk-show host says Dems, media afraid to pick on 'victim' candidate

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh struck out yesterday at the national media, for pitying “little black man-child” Barack Obama beset by attack ads he termed “benign,” Media Matters reports. “Even the Britney Spears/Paris Hilton ad was funny,” said the conservative radio host, who’d previously excoriated “girl”...

Obama Ads Hone Attack in Key States

Wave of negative ads slams McCain on the economy

(Newser) - Barack Obama has launched a wave of hard-hitting ads attacking John McCain ads in key states, the New York Times reports. The ads, reflecting a new get-tough Obama, lambaste McCain for being out of touch with Americans' economic struggles. Some have criticized the ads for misleading voters, but Democratic strategists...

If You're Running on Honor, Don't Tell Lies
If You're
Running on Honor, Don't
Tell Lies

If You're Running on Honor, Don't Tell Lies

GOP falsehoods lead to 'smear gap': Alter

(Newser) - Never mind merely unflattering attacks; Jonathan Alter addresses the issue of outright falsehoods, as measured by an impartial fact-checking organization, in the two presidential campaigns, and finds the McCain camp has issued many more. The "smear gap"  belies John McCain's vision of himself as an honor-first kind of...

Indicted Detroit Mayor Seen as Obama Liability

Dems mull uninviting Kilpatrick to Denver; GOP links two in ad

(Newser) - Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is, like Barack Obama, a charismatic black Democrat. He’s also facing multiple felony charges and recently spent a night in jail for violating conditions of his bond. The GOP thinks he could hurt Obama in Michigan come November, the Detroit News reports. Kilpatrick and Obama...

Counterpunch Too Weak for Strategists

Strategists urging Obama to bring tougher attacks on McCain

(Newser) - After weeks of enduring blistering attacks from John McCain, Barack Obama is launching a counter-attack. His new “Maverick” ad is his sharpest yet, calling McCain out on his similarities to George Bush. But Democratic strategists still don’t think Obama is hitting hard enough, the Washington Post reports. “...

Obama Should Be Attacking This Guy

 Obama Should
 Be Attacking
 This Guy 

Obama Should Be Attacking This Guy

He needs to repeatedly link McCain to Bush

(Newser) - John McCain is still keeping things close in the polls, for one simple reason: Barack Obama won’t attack him. Obama seems content to make the entire election about himself, Jonathan Chait writes in the LA Times, trying to make himself an acceptable alternative to the already unpopular Republicans. If...

McCain Strays Off Message, But Which Message?
McCain Strays Off Message, But Which Message?

McCain Strays Off Message, But Which Message?

Candidate ad libs as staffers attempt to strategize

(Newser) - John McCain relishes interacting with voters and sparring with the press, a style that's helped earn him his "maverick" reputation even as it ties his advisers and staff in knots. The campaign as a whole is turning to Karl Rove-style tactics, but the candidate's unpredictable behavior is making it...

Mac 'Celebrity' Attack Ad Signals New Battle Stage

Tactics echo Bush re-election strategy

(Newser) - John McCain's latest attack on Barack Obama as a self-absorbed "celebrity" candidate out of touch with ordinary Americans marks a new aggressive stage of his campaign, reports the New York Times. The "star power" offensive against Obama, sharper than earlier efforts, comes as key players in President Bush's...

McCain's Rip on Obama's Soldier Visit Lacks Facts
McCain's Rip on Obama's Soldier Visit Lacks Facts

McCain's Rip on Obama's Soldier Visit Lacks Facts

But Mac insists that his rival skipped over media coverage

(Newser) - John McCain is standing by his accusation that Barack Obama skipped a military hospital trip in Germany because he couldn't bring the press—even though the facts don't support it, the Washington Post reports. Firsthand accounts agree that Obama never intended to take reporters to the hospital. McCain's charge, running...

Mac Attack Ad's Endless Media Coverage? Priceless

Spot airs everywhere, despite small spend

(Newser) - John McCain's tough TV spot, which attacks Barack Obama for backing out of a visit to US troops in Germany because he couldn't bring TV cameras along, has become one of the most widely seen ads of the campaign. That's pretty impressive, considering it only aired as a paid commercial...

Obama Audio Clips May Hurt Candidacy

Recording of his bestseller details drug use, attitudes on race

(Newser) - GOP activists are salivating over audio clips of Barack Obama reading from his book, Dreams from My Father, detailing his attitudes on race and adventures with drugs. "I attended classes sparingly, drank beer heavily, and tried drugs enthusiastically," Obama says in a reading of the 1993 bestseller. Now...

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