
Stories 201 - 217 | << Prev 

Cyber Attack Hits Federal Websites
Cyber Attack
Hits Federal

Cyber Attack Hits Federal Websites

Several were knocked out over the holiday weekend

(Newser) - A widespread and unusually resilient computer attack that began July 4 knocked out the websites of several government agencies, including some responsible for fighting cyber crime. The Treasury Department, Secret Service, FTC, and Transportation Department sites were down at varying points, and some were still experiencing problems this evening. It's...

US, Russia Clash Over Cyber-Security

Countries dueling plans could prompt new arms race

(Newser) - The cold war may be going digital, the New York Times reports, as the US and Russia clash over how to combat attacks in cyberspace. Washington has dismissed Moscow’s call for an international treaty, preferring to promote cross-border cooperation in hunting down hackers. “We really believe it’s...

Obama Lays Out Plans for 'Cyber Czar'

(Newser) - The US has for too long failed to protect the security of its computer networks, President Obama said today, announcing he will name a new cyber czar to take on the job. This is a "transformational moment" for the country, Obama said, with computer networks probed and attacked millions...

Pentagon to Create 'Digital Warfare Force'

(Newser) - The US military is creating a digital warfare force as part of a complete reorganization of its cyber operations, says NSA director and top cyber warfare commander Keith Alexander. In blunt testimony prepared for the House Armed Services subcommittee today, Alexander says the Pentagon’s current cyber training is woefully...

Pentagon to Create New Cyber Command

Four-star general will lead efforts to fight digital attacks

(Newser) - The Obama administration is about to create a new military command to bolster American offensive powers in cyberwarfare and to coordinate defenses against digital attacks, reports the Wall Street Journal. A four-star general will lead the new command, which will have responsibility for protecting the country from attacks by hackers,...

Fannie Mae Engineer Indicted for Planting Crippling Code

Trap that could have caused millions in damage found after man was fired but before it activated

(Newser) - A former Fannie Mae contract worker was indicted Tuesday on a count of computer sabotage for planting malicious code that would have crippled the mortgage giant’s network of 4,000 servers for at least a week, Wired reports. Rajendrasinh Babubha Makwana crafted the malware the same day he was...

Terrorists Up to Dangerous New Tricks Next 5 Years: US

Report predicts increase in homegrown terrorists, growing danger of biological attack

(Newser) - The number of homegrown Islamic militants in the US is expected to increase sharply over the next 5 years, according to a Homeland Security assessment obtained by AP.  A pool of "terrorist wannabes" will be recruited online and used to carry out attacks, including sophisticated cyberattacks for which...

Hackers Break Into O'Reilly's Website

Subscriber passwords posted online in act of cyber-revenge

(Newser) - Hackers have broken into Bill O'Reilly's website and posted subscriber data online in an apparent act of retaliation, The Register reports. The hackers put screen shots of subscribers' names, passwords, and email addresses on Wikileaks, which reported that O'Reilly's condemnation of an attack on Sarah Palin's email inspired the break-in....

Ex-Sis-in-Law: Billy Bob's Stalking Me

'He is out of control and must be stopped,' woman tells tabloids

(Newser) - The sister of Billy Bob Thornton's fourth wife says the star has been stalking her for a decade, the New York Daily News reports. The actor's former sister-in-law—who offers up no proof—also accuses him of wife-beating, drug abuse, and bugging her home. A spokesman for Thornton said the...

Pro-China Cyberattack on CNN Cancelled

Angry Internet users postpone hacking; isolated incidents cause little trouble

(Newser) - A group of cyberattackers called off a planned virtual onslaught of CNN's main webpage yesterday as excess publicity caused confusion, ComputerWorld reports. A group called Revenge of the Flame wrote that "Our original plan for 19 April has been canceled because too many people are aware of it and...

Hackers Trigger Seizures on Epilepsy Board

Griefer group posts flashing images to harm users

(Newser) - Hackers infected an epilepsy message board last week, posting messages designed to induce seizures and migraines, Wired reports. The Epilepsy Foundation shut down its forum as reports rolled in. One woman said she suffered her worst episode in a year: “I don’t fall over and convulse, but it...

Renegade Geek to Head Cyber Security

DHS taps outsider as Silicon Valley ambassador

(Newser) - Outre tech entrepreneur Rod Beckström will top the White House’s new secretive cyber security initiative, the Wall Street Journal reports, to the surprise of many Washington insiders. Beckström is a Silicon Valley transplant without security experience, but he has developed a cult following in the security and...

Feds Prepare for Cyberwar
Feds Prepare
for Cyberwar

Feds Prepare for Cyberwar

Attack by hackers, likely from China, could cut communications, power, banking

(Newser) - Readying for a new cyber doomsday in which Americans wake to find the power off, cell phones dead, and no access to cash, the Bush administration is considering creating an agency to protect critical public and private computers. Experts say that any attack, which would likely originate in China, would...

Arrest Marks TJX Hack Case Breakthrough

Ukrainian man captured in Turkey called key to massive scheme

(Newser) - A Ukrainian-born man believed to have helped arrange the sale of credit card numbers stolen from TJX is in custody, investigators say, and his arrest may help crack the largest case of corporate data theft on record. He was selling thousands of  stolen numbers, the Boston Globe reports, but it's...

Russian Hackers Attack Websites for a Fee

'Online mercenaries' target clients' business, political foes

(Newser) - Hackers across Russia are executing crippling attacks against enemy websites—and they work for hire, Der Spiegel reports. For only a few hundred dollars, clients can retain Russian hackers to disrupt business transactions by launching barrages of pernicious data into their enemies' systems. But a disturbing trend is evident in...

Estonia Attack Prompts Cyber Security Blitz

Experts from all over studying how to soup up digital security

(Newser) - In the wake of what some are calling the first digital act of war—when hackers using as many as a million computers attacked Estonia's  web-based infrastructure—cyber security experts from all over Europe and the US are huddling to study how to prevent future disasters, reports the New York ...

Estonia Suspects Russia of Cyberattack

NATO geeks dispatched after barrage cripples e-government

(Newser) - Estonia is under cyberattack after removing a Soviet war memorial from its capital, reports the Guardian.  A barrage of mysterious spam assaults crippling government ministries, banks, corporations, political parties and news organizations has prompted NATO to deploy counter-cyberterrorism experts to the Baltic state, as officials cast a suspicious eye...

Stories 201 - 217 | << Prev