2 Stories

LG's Voyager Not So Fly
LG's Voyager Not So Fly

LG's Voyager Not So Fly

iPhone lookalike doesn't hold candle to real thing

(Newser) - LG’s new touch-screen Voyager phone is vastly inferior to the obviously similar iPhone, despite offering a few features Apple doesn’t, concludes the Wall Street Journal. The Voyager's hardware and particularly its software fails to impress, and the phone’s interface is “clumsy and confusing, requiring too many...

LG Develops Way to Send TV to Cell Phones

Technology needs only inexpensive upgrades

(Newser) - LG has developed a new, low-cost means of wirelessly transmitting digital television signals to portable devices such as mobile phones, the Wall Street Journal reports. The new technology, called “MPH"—short for mobile-portable-handheld—requires an inexpensive augmentation to TV broadcasting equipment, and new receiver chips in future portable...

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