
Stories 21 - 25 | << Prev 

Supreme Court Will Take Up Lethal Injection

Constitutionality at issue; docket also includes voting rights

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will take up the constitutionality of lethal injections in what a public defender called one of the most critical death penalty cases “in decades.” The challenge stems from a 2004 suit by two Kentucky inmates on death row who charged that the method constitutes cruel...

Habeas Corpus Bill Withers in Senate

Combatants' rights measure lacks enough support to force a vote

(Newser) - A bill to allow terrorism suspects to challenge indefinite detention faltered in Washington today as only 56 Senate votes could be mustered to cut off debate on the habeas corpus measure. Sixty are needed for bills to move forward for a vote in the upper chamber; supporters said they might...

Court Scraps Fraud Case
Court Scraps Fraud Case

Court Scraps Fraud Case

'With the greatest reluctance,' federal judge drops charges against KPMG execs

(Newser) - A federal judge in Manhattan begrudgingly tossed out fraud charges against 13 KPMG execs today, ruling that the prosecutor illegally pressured the tax behemoth not to front their former employees' trial costs. The execs had been accused of orchestrating a scheme that helped wealthy clients evade billions of dollars in...

Courts Debate Definition of 'Retarded'

Ruling on death penalty's constitutionality generates more questions than answers

(Newser) - Sentencing the mentally retarded to death is unconstitutional, and individual states set the cut-off between disabled and competent—sounds simple, but in practice, the Supreme Court's 2002 ruling has proven nearly impossible to enforce. At issue, the LA Times reports, is the gray area between low IQ and retardation, a...

Supreme Court Rejects Appeals From Gitmo Detainees

Win for Bush policy on terror suspects

(Newser) - The Supreme Court declined to hear the case of detainees at Guantanamo who challenged the constitutionality of  their confinement, the Washington Post  reports. The rejected appeal  questioned the validity of the military commissions law passed last year, and the legality of being held for more than five years with being...

Stories 21 - 25 | << Prev