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'What the F Has Obama Done?' Site a Mega-Hit
'What the F Has Obama Done?' Site a Mega-Hit

'What the F Has Obama Done?' Site a Mega-Hit

'Big deal, I could do that in my sleep,' says site ... meaning the opposite

(Newser) - The website "What the F*** Has Obama Done So Far?" —which is actually a tribute to the prez—has garnered a whopping 4 million hits in less than a week, its founders tell the Huffington Post . If you've not experienced it yet, the site lists a number of...

The Internet Is Almost Full
 The Internet Is Almost Full 

The Internet Is Almost Full

IP address shortage could be Y2K 2.0

(Newser) - Don’t panic or anything, but a massive crisis is looming with the potential to shut down the Internet. The world is on the verge of using up all 4.3 billion possible IP addresses, explains Thomas Weber of the Daily Beast —which means that effectively the Internet is...

Cops Screen Recruits' Texts, Facebook Posts

Racy pics, suicide threats get would-be cops dumped

(Newser) - Law enforcement agencies are probing potential recruits’ digital lives for information that might make them unfit for the job, USA Today reports. More than a third of police agencies look into applicants’ social media presence, says a new report conducted for police executives. Reviewing postings to sites like Facebook, MySpace,...

White House Plans Internet Privacy Watchdog

New consumer protection laws to be drafted

(Newser) - The Obama administration is stepping up efforts to increase regulation of the Internet and protect users' privacy. New laws to bring protections in line with today's technology are being drafted, along with plans to create a new position to oversee the administration's efforts, sources tell the Wall Street Journa l....

Google Triggers Muslim Crescent Brouhaha

What's that peeking from the flag?

(Newser) - It's an arc, it's an "e," it's a .... MUSLIM CRESCENT!!!! That's what panicked Twitterers shared yesterday when they spotted the tail of Google's "e" peaking out from its special Veterans Day logo, convincing several people that it was a red crescent beneath a "burning" American flag,...

Google, Facebook Bicker Over Contacts

Social network sneaks around search giant's block

(Newser) - Angered by Facebook’s data export policies, Google barred Facebook users from importing Gmail contacts last week—but Facebook quickly found a way around the problem, the Guardian reports. Calling for a “world of true data liberation,” Google labeled the social networking site a “data dead end”...

All Googlers Get 10% Raise
 All Googlers 
 Get 10% Raise 

All Googlers Get 10% Raise

Move likely to cost firm more than $1B

(Newser) - Google has given all its employees a little holiday surprise: a $1,000 bonus and a 10% raise starting next year, reports Henry Blodget at Business Insider . And, citing employee feedback, Google will convert a portion of their bonuses to their salary—though merit-based bonuses will still be awarded separately....

Pentagon Asks Media Not to Publish WikiLeaks' Iraq Files

Pushes against distribution of war material

(Newser) - The Defense Department is asking media organizations not to publish or post on websites classified US war files released by WikiLeaks. The department has been bracing for a possible leak of as many as many as 400,000 documents from a military database on the Iraq war. The documents are...

Beck to Fans: Don't Defend Me Online

Tells followers to cut vitriolic comments, pray for haters

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is shocked—shocked—at the vitriol he found in comments posted about him, and wants his more ardent supporters to turn the other cheek. The Fox host, digressing from a discussion on the Bronx gay torture case , said he'd been horrified to read blogs that viciously attacked him...

HTML5: Who Needs Privacy?
 HTML5: Who Needs Privacy? 

HTML5: Who Needs Privacy?

New web standard leaves your computer wide open

(Newser) - There’s been plenty of worry over the years about Internet privacy, “but the alarmists have not seen anything yet,” warns the New York Times in a front-page story on the dangers of HTML5. The new web standards will bring tons of new features—“It’s going...

Feds Want to Make It Easier to Eavesdrop Online

Bill seeks to expand government's wiretapping power

(Newser) - The feds want to overhaul wiretapping regulations to expand their ability to eavesdrop online, reports the New York Times . The Obama administration plans to submit a bill to Congress next year that would require all service providers to be technically capable of wiretapping the communications they enable, from encrypted BlackBerry...

Facebook Back After More Tech Trouble
Facebook Back After
More Tech Trouble

Facebook Back After More Tech Trouble

Site was down or slow for many users

(Newser) - Facebook looks to be back in business after having serious tech trouble for the second straight day, reports Mashable . “We’ve resolved the tech issues that caused the site to be unavailable for some people," said the company in a tweet . "Everyone should now have access.”...

UK Suicide Pact Pair Met in Person Just Hours Earlier

Woman was a regular on a suicide forum

(Newser) - Two Britons who died in an apparent death pact earlier this month may have been perfect strangers who met on a web forum, reports the Sun . Joanne Lee, 34, was a regular on a suicide forum, where she asked for advice on toxic chemicals and, at one point, begged for...

Internet May Kill Printed Oxford Dictionary

Its full set currently clocks in at 750 pounds...

(Newser) - Add another item to the Internet's hit list : It looks like the Oxford English Dictionary may one day exist in online form only. Its publisher said yesterday that it's uncertain whether the next edition will be printed on paper at all. And it's easy to see why: The digital version...

Experts Clean Up Your Online Image (For a Fee)

Yes, it's now a career field

(Newser) - Introducing a budding new career choice: Internet Reputation Manager. If you're worried about what people will find when they Google your name, there's a growing number of businesses ready to polish your digital image, the Boston Globe reports. The fees run from $2,000 to $10,000 at one such...

Mellencamp: Internet Is Like an A-Bomb

 Internet Is Like 
 an A-Bomb 

Mellencamp: Internet Is Like an A-Bomb

Even so, his latest album is available on it

(Newser) - “The Internet is the most dangerous thing invented since the atomic bomb,” according to rocker John Mellencamp. “It's destroyed the music business. It's going to destroy the movie business,” and it could lead “some smart people, the China-Russians or something,” to conquer us by...

The Web Is Dead. The Internet Rules
 The Web Is Dead. 
 The Internet Rules 
wolff + anderson

The Web Is Dead. The Internet Rules

Forget the open WWW—it's all about apps now

(Newser) - As the World Wide Web turns 18, Wired declares it dead—even as the Internet continues to rule. Chris Anderson takes us through a typical user's day: email checked and Facebook browsed on an iPad; podcasts and Pandora listened to; Skype and IM conversations held. "You’ve spent the...

Ray Bradbury: We've Got Too Many Internets

Sci-fi great also thinks we need a revolution and a moon base

(Newser) - Ray Bradbury: Crotchety tea partier? That’s the impression you might get from his interview with the LA Times , in which he decries the government, the “Internets” and the state of space travel. “We have too many cellphones. We’ve got too many internets,” the Farenheit 451 ...

Google, Verizon Proposal Shrinks Net Neutrality

Mobile phone service would be exempt from equal treatment for all traffic

(Newser) - Google and Verizon have unveiled the results of their talks on Internet regulation and supporters of net neutrality aren't happy. The firms' proposals champion the idea of requiring Internet providers to give equal priority to all traffic, but only through regular broadband lines, the AP reports. Wireless phone services and...

Calif. Cafes Unplugging WiFi
 Calif. Cafes Unplugging WiFi 

Calif. Cafes Unplugging WiFi

Coffee shops shouldn't feel like cubicle farms, say owners

(Newser) - California's coffee shops were pioneers in providing free WiFi, but a growing number are starting to pull the plug. Some complain that laptop users taking up space and nursing a single drink all day are killing profits, while others want to keep a friendly vibe in their establishments by having...

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