border crossing

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US Strike 'Serious Aggression': Syria
 US Strike 'Serious 
 Aggression': Syria 

US Strike 'Serious Aggression': Syria

US yet to respond to claim

(Newser) - US military helicopters launched an extremely rare attack today on Syrian territory close to the border with Iraq, killing eight people in a strike the government in Damascus condemned as "serious aggression." A US military official said the raid by special forces targeted the foreign fighter network that...

Georgian Tapes Imply Russia Started War

Troops may have entered South Ossetia before Georgia attack

(Newser) - Although the bloodshed has ended, Georgia and Russia are still fighting—over which nation was the aggressor in last month's conflict. The Georgian government, which insists that Russia invaded its territory, has released tapes of intercepted phone calls implying that a Russian regiment entered South Ossetia 24 hours before Georgia...

Feds Compile Database on Border-Crossing US Citizens

Agents will track crossings and store info for 15 years

(Newser) - The federal government has begun tracking the border crossings of US citizens and building a huge database with the information, the Washington Post reports. The data collection, made possible by machine-readable documents, has alarmed privacy groups. The government plans to keep the information for 15 years and share it with...

Under Violent Seige, Tijuana's Elite Flee

Kidnappings rampant as drug cartel lashes out over crackdown

(Newser) - As drug-fueled violence skyrockets in Tijuana, the upper-class is fleeing the city, with more than 1,000 wealthy families migrating to the US, reports the LA Times. The Mexican city is now second to Baghdad in kidnappings and many American real estate agents describe clients who arrive missing fingers or...

Vt. Gets Ready for Its Close-Up
Vt. Gets Ready for Its Close-Up

Vt. Gets Ready for Its Close-Up

Primary fever spreads to the great white north

(Newser) - In the unfamiliar position of conducting a primary election that actually counts for something, Vermont Democrats have been all ears as the candidates laid out their positions on hot issues in the chilly state. Barack Obama holds a wide lead over Hillary Clinton, but neither is taking the state for...

Egypt Cuts Supplies to Gazans
Egypt Cuts Supplies to Gazans

Egypt Cuts Supplies to Gazans

Egypt moves to re-seal border after run on supplies

(Newser) - Thousands of Palestinians streamed back into Gaza yesterday as Egypt cut supplies to the area and attempted again to re-seal the border blasted open by Hamas militants a week ago. Merchants struggled to restock their stores and Palestinians found skyrocketing prices for what supplies were available. Egypt is anxious to...

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