
Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>

Terror Suspect Had Cut Off Ties With Family

Abdulmutallab's family was alarmed because it was out of character

(Newser) - The Nigerian man accused of trying to bring down a US airliner cut off contact with his family and disappeared from their lives until they awoke to news of the attempted Christmas Day attack, his family said today. A statement from the family of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab said his disappearance...

Terrorism Warnings Often Go Unpursued

Detroit bomber alert not specific enough to rise out of 'noise'

(Newser) - However ill-advised it looks in hindsight, the decision of counterterrorism officials last month not to pursue a warning from the Nigerian would-be bomber's father was standard procedure for agencies flooded with unsubstantiated terrorism tips. It takes a specific threat, or an existing body of knowledge about an individual, for information...

Detroit Should 'Connect Dots' for Obama: GOP Rep.

Hoekstra: US needs to get tough in Yemen

(Newser) - With reports that the explosives used in today’s attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound passenger jet originated in Yemen, a Michigan Republican says President Obama needs to get tougher on terror threats originating from the Middle East nation. Noting that the Fort Hood shooter had contact with a cleric...

'Attempted Act of Terrorism' Triggers Higher Alert Level

White House: In-flight incident was 'attempted act of terrorism'

(Newser) - The US government has raised the terror alert level for airline flights to orange, the second-highest designation, after today’s incident involving a passenger on a Detroit-bound jet that the White House says was "an attempted act of terrorism." Earlier, a 23-year-old Nigerian claiming ties to al-Qaeda tried...

The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'
The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'
aughts in Review

The Lowest Points of the 'Decade of the Oligarchs'

Bush put US on path to banana republic status

(Newser) - The 2000s were dominated by George W. Bush and the new American oligarchy he represents, writes Juan Cole. He lists hit 10 lowest points of an awful decade:
  • “The constitutional coup of 2000,” in which “ugly racial and other low tricks” and a “far right-wing Supreme

Yemen Strike May Have Killed Ft. Hood-Linked Imam

Anwari believed to be among 30 killed in attack on hideouts

(Newser) - Yemen says it has killed over 30 militants, possibly including the imam who was the mentor of the Fort Hood shooter, in attacks on al-Qaeda hideouts today. Officials say the air assaults—carried out with the help of US-provided intelligence—targeted an al-Qaeda leadership meeting that was planning attacks on...

Bin Laden, al-Qaeda Nearly Killed Clinton

Prez missed 1996 Philippines bomb by minutes: new book

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda terrorists under the orders of Osama bin Laden came within minutes of assassinating Bill Clinton in 1996, according to the author of a new book on the former president. Secret Service members changed the route of Clinton's motorcade through Manila at the last minute after intercepting communications suggesting an...

Nevada Gambler Conned CIA With al-Qaeda Claims

Agents swallowed claim man could decode hidden messages

(Newser) - A Nevada software developer with a serious gambling problem fooled the CIA and the Bush White House into believing he had the key to al-Qaeda codes. Dennis Montgomery convinced agents that news network al-Jazeera was broadcasting hidden message on terror targets within the US that only he could decode, investigative...

Tora Bora Among 'Greatest Military Blunders'

 Tora Bora Among 
 'Greatest Military 
How bin laden escaped

Tora Bora Among 'Greatest Military Blunders'

US had him pinned but held back on troops

(Newser) - Peter Berg has assembled what he calls the “definitive account” of "one of the greatest military blunders in recent US history"—the failure to capture or kill Osama bin Laden in 2001 at Tora Bora in Afghanistan. The operation started out well enough, he writes in the...

US Joins Yemen in Raids on Al-Qaeda

Obama himself ordered Navy to fire cruise missiles

(Newser) - The US participated in raids this week on al-Qaeda targets in Yemen, with warships launching cruise missiles yesterday in attack the Yemeni government says killed 34 militants. One official tells NBC that President Obama personally ordered the missile salvo; the New York Times reports that the US also contributed intelligence...

Islam Needs a Civil War

 Islam Needs 
 a Civil War 
Thomas Friedman

Islam Needs a Civil War

Muslim majority must triumph on the ground and in 'Virtual Afghanistan'

(Newser) - Islam has become corrupted by the ideology of a "violent minority," and it's long past time that the majority of Muslims take back their religion, writes Thomas Friedman. How? It needs a "civil war," just as America needed one to overcome the ideology of slavery. "...

Obama Overstates Domestic Al-Qaeda Threat: Experts

President, Clinton cite US arrests, but link to Pakistan appears weak

(Newser) - The White House has been overstating the link between recent domestic terrorism arrests and al-Qaeda activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan, security experts say. In justifying the Afghanistan troop buildup, President Obama cited recent arrests within the US; Hillary Clinton cited some of the same incidents a few days later. But...

Al-Qaeda: 'Condolences' to Our Innocent Victims

Group usually doesn't acknowledge those mistakenly killed

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda shows its kinder, gentler side in a new video offering condolences to innocent victims of its own attacks. In the 17-minute video, the man known as Azzam the American makes the unusual move of offering the group's "condolences" to "the unintended Muslim victims of the mujahedeen's operations...

Drone Strike Victim ID'd as Top al-Qaeda Strategist

Identity unclear, but he's not Osama

(Newser) - A drone missile strike in Pakistan killed a top al-Qaeda operative earlier this week, but the victim's identity remains unclear. Earlier reports said the slain terrorist leader was Abu Yahya al-Libi, the organization's No. 3, who escaped from US custody at the Bagram Air Force in 2005. But other reports...

Pakistan Will Deport Detained US Students

Five DC-area men suspected of trying to join extremist groups

(Newser) - Pakistan is expected to deport the five Americans who allegedly came to the country to join terrorist groups. The five, all from the DC area, were arrested after telling undercover investigators they were trying to find fighters in the al-Qaeda network. Pakistani police revealed that the father of one of...

US Claims to Kill al-Qaeda Leader in Drone Strike

But the attack in Waziristan never took place, says Pakistan

(Newser) - A US drone has taken out an al-Qaeda commander that US officials describe as "top-ranking," reports NBC News . No name was released, though officials said that the strike in South Waziristan claimed four lives and injured four more—though Osama bin Laden was not among them. Officials cited...

Al-Qaeda Claims Deadly Baghdad Blasts

'List of targets has no end,' terrorists warn

(Newser) - An al-Qaeda affiliated group has claimed responsibility for the bombs that killed 127 people in Baghdad this week, and warned that many more attacks are on the way. A statement from the group said the coordinated suicide car bombings targeted the "bastions of evil and dens of apostates,"...

Taliban: Bin Laden's Hiding in Afghanistan

Cohort offered to arrange meeting, says Pakistan inmate

(Newser) - A high-ranking Taliban member in Pakistani custody claims a cohort offered to arrange a meeting with Osama bin Laden earlier this year, and that the al-Qaeda leader is in eastern Afghanistan, not northern Pakistan as widely believed, the detainee told a BBC reporter. The inmate, who met with bin Laden...

Obama Plan Won't Make America Safer

Afghan surge can't defeat terrorist ideology

(Newser) - President Obama should have used his speech to declare victory and announce the start of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan instead of an escalation, writes Eugene Robinson. Even if the surge achieves its immediate mission—at huge cost—the operation won't achieve its ultimate goal of making the US safer...

Bin Laden's Not Here: Pakistan PM
 Bin Laden's Not 
 Here: Pakistan PM 
take that, gordon brown

Bin Laden's Not Here: Pakistan PM

Gilani contradicts Brown, says there's no 'credible' intelligence

(Newser) - Gordon Brown can talk all he wants about Pakistan not doing enough to capture Osama bin Laden—the Al-Qaeda leader isn’t in the country, its prime minister says. Yousaf Raza Gilani says he has not been provided with any “credible or actionable intelligence” to suggest otherwise, and he...

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>