internet censorship

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Now Pakistan's Blocking YouTube

Crackdown adds site to growing list

(Newser) - Yesterday, Facebook ; today, YouTube: Pakistan has blocked access to the video-sharing site—along with 450 other links, including some Wikipedia pages—because of its “growing sacrilegious content.” The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority didn't refer to specific offensive material, but said it acted after the site failed to take down...

Chavez Launches Twitter Chat

Comandante 'breaks loose' @chavezcandanga

(Newser) - Twitter's 140-character limit is going to be a challenge for a president notorious for hours-long speeches. But Hugo Chavez is nevertheless launching his Twitter feed today, striking back against critics who have been using the micro-blogging site to blast the Venezuelan leader. "I recommend you follow that page after...

Tough-Guy China Shows Weakness in Google Fight
 Tough-Guy China 
 Shows Weakness 
 in Google Fight 
Nicholas Kristof

Tough-Guy China Shows Weakness in Google Fight

Beijing reveals its insecurity in its hard stance

(Newser) - If you want to understand why China took such a hard stance on Google, listen to the lesson of Sun Tzu. Once, the great strategist held a military demonstration using palace concubines for soldiers. When the women didn’t take it seriously, he beheaded two of them. After that, the...

Google Dumped From Chinese Smartphones

Unicom say Google search won't be on its Android phones

(Newser) - China's second-biggest cell phone operator—apparently bowing to pressure from Beijing—has announced that Google search won't be available on the Android smartphones it developed in partnership with Google. "We are willing to work with any company that abides by Chinese law ," said the president of China Unicom....

China: Google's a Tool of US Intelligence

Firm is 'no virgin' when it comes to values: newspaper

(Newser) - In the latest dust up between China and Google, the jilted nation is accusing the corporation of aiding US intelligence. "Google is not a virgin when it comes to values," sniffed Communist Party tool the China Daily, referring to Google's recent refusal to enforce Chinese censorship. "Its...

China Partially Blocks Google's Hong Kong Site

Cell phone companies drop Google deals under pressure from Beijing

(Newser) - China fought back Google’s assault on the Great Firewall today, blocking any questionable content from Google’s Hong Kong site, and putting the screws on Google’s other operations. Google is currently redirecting mainland Chinese users to its uncensored Hong Kong site, but the government has stepped in to...

Google Shutters China Search Operation

Move to Hong Kong sidesteps censorship requirement

(Newser) - Unable to operate within China's stringent censorship regulations, Google will move its search operation to Hong Kong, retaining sales and R&D offices on the mainland. "The Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement," the company said today. The...

Chinese People Dread Losing Google

Activists at once support search giant and feel betrayed

(Newser) - Google’s seemingly inevitable exit from China will have a profound effect on its people, with many saying they support the search giant’s stand yet feel abandoned. One human rights activist brought flowers to Google headquarters, as both a sign of support and a kind of funeral bouquet. “...

Google Appears to Defy Chinese Censorship Laws

Sites about Tiananmen Square are now accessible

(Newser) - Google appears to have quietly stopped filtering from its Chinese search engine, a staggering defiance of the powers that be in Beijing. Though the search giant denies changing its policy, NBC reporters in China have been able to access previously verboten sites relating to Tibet, the Xinjiang independence movement, and...

Google All But Certain to Close China Site

Beijing won't bend censorship requirements

(Newser) - Having lost its showdown with the Chinese government, Google is poised to close its Chinese search site, rather than continue to censor results. The company will likely take action within weeks, a source familiar with the situation tells the Wall Street Journal . When it does, China will prevent local news...

Google Wants to Stay in China: CEO

Search giant objects to 'censorship,' continues push for change

(Newser) - Google's CEO doesn’t see the company’s run-in with the Chinese government over a suspicious cyberattack means an end to their relationship. "We just don't like censorship," Eric Schmidt said at a World Economic Forum summit today. He said the company is optimistic about effecting change from...

Google, YouTube Knockoffs Hit China

Chinese government to face Google—and Goojje

(Newser) - In a country famous for fake name-brand products, Goojje and YouTubecn may be the highest-profile imitations yet. As China battles it out with the real Google, knockoffs of both Google and YouTube have emerged on China's Internet. There's been no official response yet to the sites, but experts don't expect...

Clinton Pushes China to Probe Google Attacks

Criticizes regimes for hindering 'freedom to connect' on Internet

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton called today for China to investigate recent cyberattacks on Google, and included that country’s communist regime on a list of nations hindering their citizens’ fundamental “freedom to connect” on the Internet. “Countries that restrict free access to information or violate the basic rights of Internet...

Google Scraps China Phone Launch
 Google Scraps China 
 Phone Launch

Google Scraps China Phone Launch

And Chinese fire back in dispute over censorship

(Newser) - Google has canceled tomorrow's launch of its mobile phone in China, a casualty of the company's standoff with the government over Internet censorship and hacking. A Google spokeswoman wouldn’t comment on the postponement, but it comes the same day the Chinese government made its first comment on Google’s...

In Battle With China, Google Stakes Out High Ground

Beijing can't fight openness forever: Roger Cohen

(Newser) - It's about time somebody took China to task for getting rich from globalization while resisting the openness that makes it possible, writes Roger Cohen. The confrontation between Google and China—"the behemoth of global connectedness and the behemoth of global growth"—exposes the paradox behind China's transformation, Cohen...

Chinese Web Users Hail Google With Flowers

Some plead for firm to stay

(Newser) - Chinese web users risked the wrath of the authorities by laying flowers outside Google's offices in Beijing and other cities yesterday. Some users expressed shock and disappointment over the company's threat to quit the country over cyberattacks on human rights activists, the Wall Street Journal reports. Others hailed the company's...

Google's Harsh Words for China Just Marketing

Company is doing poorly, and saw convenient rights-related out

(Newser) - The stand Google took against Chinese censorship and web-based malevolence yesterday is as much about the search giant’s self interest as any deep moral ideals, Sarah Lacy writes. “I’m not saying human rights didn’t play into the decision,” but it was surely an afterthought. First...

Will Rivals Join Google Stand Against China?

Stakes would be higher for Microsoft, Yahoo

(Newser) - Google may be hoping rival firms join its stand against Chinese censorship and hacking, but the stakes in a conflict with the Chinese government would be much higher for Microsoft and Yahoo. While Google's business in China represents only a small share of its global revenue, the picture looks different...

Freedom-Fighter Google a Good Guy Again
 Freedom-Fighter Google 
 a Good Guy Again 

Freedom-Fighter Google a Good Guy Again

Taking stand against China reclaims 'don't be evil' motto

(Newser) - Standing up to China has helped Google regain some of that "don't be evil" aura lost as the company became a behemoth, writes Adam Ostrow. By telling China it will no longer censor search results, the firm has shown that it's willing to put principles before profit, Ostrow notes...

Bing, Yahoo Bar Web Porn in India

Search engines switch India to stricter settings

(Newser) - Indian computer users enter "sex" into search engines more than users in any other country, but Internet firms have moved to deliver only sanitized results to the nation. Yahoo's search engine and the Flickr photo-sharing site have switched the entire country's setting to "safe search" only, as has...

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