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Hauler Dumps 2 Tons of Trash on Customer's Yard

Officials cite Minnesota company in bill dispute

(Newser) - A bill dispute between a trash hauler and a customer in Minnesota has resulted in a huge mess, literally. The city of Red Wing fined local hauler Paul's Industrial Garage $1,800, plus cleanup fees, after authorities say it dumped nearly 2 tons of garbage on a customer's...

Thanks, Humanity: Ocean Floor Is a Garbage Dump

Study of 32 ocean sites finds not one free of human litter

(Newser) - In the depths of European oceans, you'll find coral, sand—and old Heineken cans. Yup, human litter can be found even in the most far-reaching places on the planet, according to one of the biggest scientific surveys ever done of the seafloor. Using video and trawling surveys between 1999...

Woman Accused of Assault on Garbage Man

'I drive a Range Rover,' she says

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania woman faces assault and harassment charges over her garbage pickup. The 49-year-old in Lower Saucon Township apparently became enraged when the garbage truck passed her home because her trash wasn't out in time, reports Lehigh Valley Live . Then followed three not-so-proud moments,according to court documents:
  • She

Oslo&#39;s Weird Problem: Not Enough Garbage
Oslo's Weird Problem:
Not Enough Garbage
in case you missed it

Oslo's Weird Problem: Not Enough Garbage

Waste-to-energy plants running out of stuff to burn

(Newser) - Oslo has got a problem a lot of cities would love to share: a major shortage of garbage. Around half of the Norwegian capital is heated by garbage-burning power plants, but with recycling rates very high, the plants simply can't get enough of the stuff, the New York Times...

Target of Bloomberg's Next Crusade: Styrofoam

NYC mayor's office considering banning containers made of it

(Newser) - The healthification of New Yorkers continues, whether they want it or not. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has forced restaurants to post calorie counts, increased smoking bans , and taken away jumbo sodas . Now he's aiming to eliminate Styrofoam containers. Yes, the Bloomberg administration is thinking about a ban on all Styrofoam...

To Clean Up Subway, NYC Getting Rid of ... Trash Cans

It sounds counterintuitive, but it's making for cleaner stations

(Newser) - It sounds counterintuitive, but it's apparently working. New York City's MTA ran an unusual experiment last year: In an attempt to rid stations of the trash that accumulates beyond the trashcan (the New York Times cites "beside turnstiles and beneath benches, along subway platforms ... and on the...

Inside the Gnarly Task of Cleaning Up LA's Skid Row

Razor blades, drugs, dead rodents collected during city's sweep

(Newser) - It wasn't a task for the faint of heart: After nearly two weeks spent cleaning up LA's Skid Row, city officials walked away with five tons of trash. And what they found over a six-mile span is enough to make one's stomach turn—among hundreds of needles,...

Garbage Cam Airs Dirty Trash Habits

Camera phone posts pictures of garbage on Facebook, encourages recycling

(Newser) - Now on Facebook: Your garbage. Or at least, the garbage of five households who signed up for a Newcastle University program that posts photos of every item dumped in one garbage can on Facebook. Hoping to raise consciousness about recycling efforts, it uses a sensor and a camera phone to...

Big Stink: Great Garbage Patch's Size Exaggerated

Think 1% the size of Texas, not twice as big

(Newser) - The "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" is often said to be twice the size of Texas—but that and other scary-sounding claims are “grossly exaggerated,” some scientists are now insisting. A new study shows the plastic waste patch is actually 200 times smaller than previously claimed when comparing...

Upside to NYC's Piles of Trash: Mound Saves Suicidal Man

Garbage collection scheduled to resume tomorrow

(Newser) - The snow is melting but the piles of trash are growing—and that was very good news for at least one New Yorker. A suicidal man who tried to end his life by jumping from the ninth floor of a building in Midtown today survived because he landed on a...

Indian Tribe Doesn't Want US Trash on Sacred Land

It's fighting a plan to ship Hawaii garbage to Washington state

(Newser) - Hawaii's landfill space is in such short supply, the state decided to transport thousands of tons of trash 2,600 miles to Washington. Making the journey even more bizarre: The waste would travel over the Yakama Indians' sacred hunting grounds to get to its destination, and the tribe is none...

Old Couple Found Buried Alive in Trash

Trapped in garbage for days

(Newser) - An elderly Chicago couple was found, alive, buried beneath mounds of trash in their two-story home. The neighbors called police after they hadn't spotted the couple, both in their 70s, for days. Responding firefighters in Hazmat suits entered the home to find the couple covered in rotting food and other...

Garbage in stomach of whale found in Seattle
Forget Jonah: This Whale Ate Sweatpants, Surgical Gloves
in case you missed

Forget Jonah: This Whale Ate Sweatpants, Surgical Gloves

Beached whale's stomach was full of garbage

(Newser) - Like that episode of Seinfeld come to life, biologists found a golf ball in the stomach of a gray whale that died after getting stranded on a West Seattle beach on Wednesday—but it gets sadder from there, reports the AP . Though the scientists say most of the whale's stomach...

Plastic Garbage Patch Found in Atlantic
 Plastic Garbage Patch 
 Found in Atlantic 
in case you missed it

Plastic Garbage Patch Found in Atlantic

Covers thousands of square miles, endangers fish

(Newser) - If you’re planning on taking a cruise, hopefully your ship won’t travel through the “great Atlantic garbage patch” that covers thousands of square miles between Bermuda and the Azores islands. The plastic debris is so small that some pieces are almost invisible, and the floating trash heap—...

Egypt Kills All Pigs— But Pigs Eat All Trash

With no swine to eat garbage, waste piles up on city streets

(Newser) - When the Egyptian government decided to kill all of Cairo’s pigs last spring in a pre-emptive measure to combat swine flu, they apparently forgot that the pigs performed a vital function in a city with poor public services: eating trash, the New York Times reports. The zabaleen, Cairo’s...

Brown Begins Community Service

Singer cleans up in Va. as punishment for Rihanna beating

(Newser) - Singer Chris Brown today began the community labor that’s part of his sentence for beating girlfriend Rihanna, MTV reports, with the singer posting a photo from the work to his Twitter feed. His 6 months of labor will include picking up trash in his native Virginia; Brown, 20, also...

UK Slammed for Dumping Toxic Waste in Developing World

(Newser) - Britain is accused of flouting international law by dumping toxic industrial and medical waste in Brazil and Ghana, the Times of London reports. Brazilian authorities were outraged to find over 1,000 tons of hazardous waste in 90 shipping containers labeled as holding recyclable plastic. "It is disgraceful that...

Woman Tosses Mattress Stuffed With Mom's $1M

It was her mom's life savings

(Newser) - In hindsight, maybe the bank might've been a better idea: An Israeli woman dumped her mom's life savings when she decided to surprise her with a new mattress—and tossed the old one padded with nearly $1 million, CNN reports. City workers are helping the daughter search, and have...

12 Museums of Odd Things
 12 Museums of Odd Things 

12 Museums of Odd Things

(Newser) - Trying to awake from the nightmare of history? Mental Floss' list of 12 "oddly specific" American museums may only give you bad dreams:
  • The SPAM Museum: Complete with a wall of 5,000 SPAM tins and a scale plant where visitors can suit up in white coats and

America's Worst Recycling Cities

Cities who divert the least from landfill named and shamed

(Newser) - The average American city recycles about a third of its waste, but the lack of any unified national standard for trash disposal means some cities rate way, way, below average. Mother Jones lists those with the biggest trash piles:
  • Oklahoma City recycles only 3% of its waste. Households have to

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