medicating pets

4 Stories

Martha Stewart's New Domain: Cannabis

First products with Canopy Growth will be designed to treat anxiety in pets

(Newser) - Martha Stewart's next line will be a little different: hemp-based products for pets. Canopy Growth, a Canadian pot company, announced the partnership Thursday, NBC reports. The lifestyle guru will also help develop products for humans, the company said, based on CBD—the non-psychoactive chemical in marijuana. But Canopy wants...

Eyeless Chimp Victim Recounts Ordeal on Oprah

'I want the nightmares to stop,' says Charla Nash

(Newser) - A woman viciously attacked early this year by a crazed pet chimpanzee discussed her ordeal and revealed her ravaged face on the Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday. Charla Nash lost her nose, lips, eyelid—and hands—in the attack by a Connecticut neighbor's chimp. Doctors also removed both eyes because of...

America: Land of Doggy Doping
 America: Land of  Doggy Doping 

America: Land of Doggy Doping

The business of pet pharmacology is booming

(Newser) - Americans spent $49 billion on their pets last year, with an ever-growing percentage paying for treatment of  behavioral issues with tailor-made psychotropics, reports James Vlahos in the New York Times Magazine. Frustrated owners are feeding dogs drugs like Reconcile—beef-flavored Prozac—-for "mental illnesses that eerily resemble human ones,...

Polly Want a Prozac?
Polly Want a Prozac?

Polly Want a Prozac?

Parrots are the latest pets to see spike in depression

(Newser) - With more pet owners working long days and leaving their furry and feathered friends alone at home, cases of animal depression are on the rise, writes the Daily Telegraph. A TV vet says the trend is hitting parrots especially hard, causing the talkative birds to pull out their feathers or...

4 Stories