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Reese's Again Sued Over 'Misleading' Packaging
Reese's Sued Over Candy That
Isn't as Cool as Promised
in case you missed it

Reese's Sued Over Candy That Isn't as Cool as Promised

Designs shown on packaging are misleading, lawsuit states

(Newser) - Once again, the Hershey Company is being sued by consumers who feel its products aren't living up to what's promised on the packaging. This time, it's four people in Florida suing over Reese's products that, they say, don't look anything like what they're advertised...

Not-So-Sweet News for Chocoholics
Not-So-Sweet News
for Chocoholics

Not-So-Sweet News for Chocoholics

Cocoa prices have skyrocketed, so get ready to open that wallet a little wider

(Newser) - It's the day for chocolate and roses, and at least one of those things is looking to set you back more this year. As NPR reports, the cost of cocoa, which is kind of a key ingredient in the aforementioned chocolate, has been skyrocketing—and basically doubled in the...

Woman Sues Hershey for $5M Over 'Misleading' Packaging
Woman Sues Hershey for $5M
Over 'Misleading' Packaging

Woman Sues Hershey for $5M Over 'Misleading' Packaging

Florida's Cynthia Kelly says holiday-themed Reese's candy lacked carved designs as shown on wrappers

(Newser) - Cynthia Kelly says she was shopping in an Aldi in October when she picked up a bag of Halloween-themed Reese's peanut butter candy for $4.49, drawn in by the "cute looking" carvings shown on the candy's outer wrapper. That's per the Florida woman's new...

Reese's $25K Contest Might Violate Federal Law

Feds haven't commented on whether investigation has been opened

(Newser) - Reese's may be in violation of state and federal laws with its new sweepstakes offer currently advertised on packs of peanut butter cups, the AP reports. The promotion on two-cup packages reads "You could win $25,000" and, in smaller print, "See details inside." But only...

Hershey: Halloween Candy Shortage Looms

Company blames supply chain issues

(Newser) - Halloween could be haunted by candy shortages this year, Hershey warned Thursday. The company said supply chain issues including shortages of raw materials like cocoa meant it would fall short of meeting demand over Halloween—its busiest time of year—and the holiday season, reports Reuters . Chief executive Michele Buck...

The Weird Correlation Between S'mores and COVID
The Weird Correlation
Between S'mores and COVID
in case you missed it

The Weird Correlation Between S'mores and COVID

Hershey found that in areas where virus cases have surged, so have runs on s'mores ingredients

(Newser) - Public health officials, epidemiologists, and infectious disease experts are all front and center in looking out for emerging patterns on COVID-19. Now, add Hershey into the mix. The chocolate manufacturing giant has spotted its own trend during the pandemic involving a favorite campfire treat. That find: In areas of the...

Bet You Didn't Expect Halloween Candy to Sell Like This

Early sales are up double-digits from last year despite pandemic

(Newser) - The pandemic has apparently left Americans seeking comfort in chocolate because Halloween candy sales have spiked this year. Sales of seasonal chocolate and candy in the month ending Sept. 6 were up 13% compared to last year, when sales totalled $4.6 billion, while sales of Halloween chocolate specifically were...

Bad Breath Apparently Less of a Worry These Days

Sales of gum and mints are down amid social distancing

(Newser) - It's not the first impact of social distancing that comes to mind, but it does make sense: Sales of breath mints and gum are down, reports Reuters . Hershey, which makes Ice Breakers mints, says sales in this category have been "significantly impacted by social distancing protocols." CEO...

Here's the First New Hershey's Bar Since 1995

Introducing Hershey's Gold

(Newser) - The first new candy bar to carry the Hershey's name in more than two decades is set to hit shelves next month, the AP reports. The Hershey, Pennsylvania-based candy maker says Hershey's Gold will go on sale Dec. 1. It's described as a caramelized cream bar embedded...

Man Takes Hershey's to Court for Under-Filled Candy Boxes

Missouri man unsatisfied with $1 boxes of Whoppers, Reese's Pieces

(Newser) - Hell hath no fury like a sweet tooth scorned. Consumerist reports a Missouri man disappointed with the amount of candy in his boxes of Reese's Pieces and Whoppers is suing Hershey's. According to KCUR , Robert Bratton bought a number of boxes of each candy at a grocery store...

Your Favorite Hershey's Treat May Be Shrinking Soon

The company has vowed to cut calories in its products by 2022

(Newser) - By 2022, half of all Hershey's individually wrapped sweets will contain 200 calories or fewer, USA Today reports. And sure, according to Penn Live , that means your chocolate bar might be a tad smaller. But it will also allow you to—in the words of the company—make "...

Hershey's Will Start Selling Meat Bars

 Hershey's Will Start 
 Selling Meat Bars 
in case you missed it

Hershey's Will Start Selling Meat Bars

Yes, you read that right

(Newser) - It's what every young child desperately saves his or her allowance for: the chance to go to the supermarket and buy a delicious Hershey's ... blueberry barbecue beef bar. Yes, that's a meat bar, though "we aren't going out there saying it is a meat bar,...

Hershey Kisses Roll Out Biggest Change in 25 Years

Hershey's Kisses Deluxe will be bigger, with a hazelnut center

(Newser) - Not since Hershey added almonds to its Kisses a quarter-century ago has the brand undergone a bigger change than this, say officials: Introducing Hershey's Kisses Deluxe—a chocolate twice the size of the original Kisses with a hazelnut center and rice crisps, per USA Today . The new gold-wrapped product...

Hershey Sues Pot Vendors: Stop Copying Us

No more 'Reefer's Peanut Butter Cups'?

(Newser) - Walk into a shop that sells legal marijuana, and you're likely to come across products such as "Reefer's Peanut Butter Cup" or "Mr. Dankbar." Get it? Hershey does, and it's not amused. The candy giant has sued marijuana cooperatives in Seattle and Colorado for...

Hershey Ventures Into 3D Chocolate

Company teams with up with tech partner to make special printer

(Newser) - Imagine what Willy Wonka could do with this: Hershey says it's teaming up with a company called 3D Systems to develop a 3D printer that spits out, yes, chocolate, reports CNN . Essentially, the "ink well" would be filled with chocolate, and the machine would use it to produce...

Google's New Android: KitKat
 Google's New Android: KitKat 

Google's New Android: KitKat

Version 4.4 comes with candy bar tie-in

(Newser) - Will Google's new version of Android be chunky—or breakable? The company has given the tech world a sweet surprise by announcing that version 4.4 will be called "KitKat" instead of Key Lime Pie as previously signaled. The move is seen as a marketing coup for the...

Delta the Least Respected Brand in America
Delta the Least Respected Brand in America
survey says

Delta the Least Respected Brand in America

Pepsi, Coca-Cola are apparently the most respected

(Newser) - Poor Delta: It gets less respect than even Denny's and cigarette maker Philip Morris. A new survey of businesspeople finds the airline is the least respected of the brands studied, Yahoo Finance reports. The most respected? PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, in a tie. CoreBrand, a branding research firm, asked respondents...

Chocolate Prices Rigged: Canada

Nestle, Mars charged; Hershey already expected to plead

(Newser) - The Canadian branches of Nestlé and Mars were both slapped with criminal charges yesterday, with Canada's Competition Bureau accusing both of price-fixing the chocolate market following a 5-year investigation. Hershey was also party to the scheme, which dates to 2007 and earlier, but the bureau recommended leniency because it...

Dark Chocolate Healthier Than Juice ...Says Hershey

Call it a 'super-fruit,' researchers say

(Newser) - Chocolate lovers, rejoice: Your beloved treat may actually be healthier than fruit juice. A comparison of cocoa products to fruit juice powders suggests dark chocolate has more antioxidant power than juices, as well as more of certain chemicals that are good for your heart, the New York Daily News reports....

Chocoholics Spurn American Cadbury

Many see right through US bars, actually made by Hershey

(Newser) - Serious chocolate fans responded warily to the news of Kraft's bid for Cadbury—especially in the US, where aficionados reject the domestic brand anyway. It’s made by Hershey, not the British firm itself, and that just won’t cut it for hardcore devotees of the British brand, the Wall ...

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